Please review my setup!

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Active Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Cranbourne North, Vic
hi everyone, I was just wanting some feedback on my setup and practice. Here is a picture of my setup and its occupant squishy (yearling bredli). Basically I've got no issues at present, squishy feeds well, seems happy and seems to have an awesome temperament, but I'm just after a bit of confirmation that I'm doing things right (since this is my first snake). Also I realise that once he gets bigger he'll need a bigger cage and I will arrange that (and then can get another snake for the old one ;) )
squishy got fed today - hence the fatness!so I have a light and ceramic heater on the upper left, the light runs from 0730 until 1900, the ceramic heater is on the thermostat and is set for 33 degrees during the day and 26 degrees at night. I also have a red globe at low wattage on the right that runs from 1900 until 2300I have a water bowl that gets changed second daily, breeders choice cat litter for substrate

. There's a cave at the bottom as well as a couple of rocks and the branches for climbing.For feeding I feed 1-2 fuzzy rats once per week and I've had no issues with feeding. I've had him since 6/1 and he's done a few small poos with white stuff (urates?) and one great big dark brown poo.

Behaviour wise he spends his time moving up and down the branches, he'll spend the day in the front right corner wedged behind the rocks, but moves up towards the heat source in the evening or if he's digesting, he also likes to coil up on the cords of the lamp and heater right at the top.I usually handle him daily for about 10 mins, except for the day he feeds and a couple of days afterwards.

so I have got a few questions:am I doing the right thing with reducing the temperature in the evening? it was recommended in one of the books I own, and considering bredli's are desert snakes they are used to big temp drops from day to evening?

how often do they shed? I don't know his shedding history prior to my purchasehow will I know if he's ready to move up to bigger food? the fuzzy rat he had today was bigger than anything he's previously eaten, but he smashed it down with no problems - and then had another smaller one!

what age can you get them sexed? I know there's a good reptile vet nearby, do I have to wait to a particular age?so that's it, am I doing it right? is there anything I should be doing that I'm missing?
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everything seems spot on and you can get hatchlings sexed if vet knows what they are doing.
He could maybe go 1 weaner instead of 2 fuzzies, he should be shedding around every 6 weeks or so, other than that it all seems ok to me. He looks happy in his new place thats for sure. Oh yeah, and you can get him sexed now, I think Shane charges $42.
Sounds pretty spot on

A yearling should shed every 6 to 8 weeks, it's ready to go up in prey size when it can down the prey in less then 10mins or so and when there is only a slight bulge after eating it, can be sexed at any age by a good vet. no help on a lcal vet i'm afraid
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