Pleystowe couple come face to face with Taipan

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It's 110% a brown tree snake. Easy to tell from the patterning, head and body shape.
When you think about it.... you cant be too harsh on the old guy... ask 80 percent of Australians and 'a good snake is a dead snake' attitude is a popular one. Really most people don't know any better. Throughout the ages Snakes or 'serpents' have been seen as a creature of evil since biblical times... and typical human nature is to kill 'things' that look fearsome or are not understood. 10 years ago before i was 'educated' id shovel any brown that was around the house too. I guess its the same as asking how many of you hate spiders and kill redbacks, funnelswebs and other creepy crawlies without a moments hesitation around the house. watcha gonna go? :)
When you think about it.... you cant be too harsh on the old guy... ask 80 percent of Australians and 'a good snake is a dead snake' attitude is a popular one. Really most people don't know any better. Throughout the ages Snakes or 'serpents' have been seen as a creature of evil since biblical times... and typical human nature is to kill 'things' that look fearsome or are not understood. 10 years ago before i was 'educated' id shovel any brown that was around the house too. I guess its the same as asking how many of you hate spiders and kill redbacks, funnelswebs and other creepy crawlies without a moments hesitation around the house. watcha gonna go? :)

Make up your mind son, whose side are you on?

When you think about it... he is still responsible for his actions.
From what I understand, he went out of his way to kill a native reptile that posed no danger to him whatsoever.

As for spiders, I use the plastic container and paper method.

and typical human nature is to kill 'things' that look fearsome or are not understood.

There are some people I don't understand, maybe I should kill them.
Make up your mind son, whose side are you on?

When you think about it... he is still responsible for his actions.
From what I understand, he went out of his way to kill a native reptile that posed no danger to him whatsoever.

As for spiders, I use the plastic container and paper method.

There are some people I don't understand, maybe I should kill them.

Woah wowh!!! Some people are so eager to lash at someones throat!!! relax!
I keep reptiles and im a certified snake catcher in my area!...All im saying is im not surprised and education is the key. And its all relative! yeh?
Yes!!! what he did would be considered illegal and was wrong. Now before anyone gets on the moral band wagon. Im sure We hav all broken the law at some stage of our lives. regardless whether it was intentional or unknowingly. Look Most people are horrified when i mention to them that it is against the law to kill snakes. Yeh go figure! Im not defending his actions, they were wrong. All im saying is he may have not known better. Not everyone can be a herp nut. I think thats reasonable.
And yes maybe you should kill people that you don't understand!? You wouldn't be anything special. Just human history repeating itself...
can you see what im getting at or have i just 'angered' more people???? :) cuddles people, cuddles!!! ;)

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AND!!! you dont kill spiders!!! thats excellent! most people on this forum probably would!
the snake in the picture is confirmed as a Brown Tree Snake Boiga irregularis,there are other pictures of it in another report and it is quite clearly a Brown Tree Snake and not in any way anything like a Taipan

so everyone email the crap out of this REDNECK Newspaper and get them to run a story correcting there huge error
If he hadnt interfered by going to look at it there would have been no defence display and he wouldnt have felt threatened or thought he had to act in self defence???

Not condoning it just pointing out the way it would be seen by the general population and most likely the law.
We all know it was unnecessary but what do you do? it's almost impossible to talk these people around to the truth about snakes. I've almost given up trying to make people see sense.
I kill deadly spiders if they are in my house, the main reason I do is I have a massive phobia of them which makes its extremely hard for to get near them without having a heart attack, so the only way I can get them out of my house and away from my kids is to kill them first.
*puts on flame proof clothing*

I also would kill a snake if it was in striking range of my kids and I could not safely remove it.

I would not get out of my car and approach a snake them kill it when it became defensive, there is no logic in that at all!
Letters to the Editor | Mackay Daily Mercury

click on link everyone and write a brief message to the editor demanding the error be corrected they have made in reporting a Brown Tree Snake as a "taipan" mention to ask them to show photo to the queensland museum for confirmation as a Brown Tree Snake
Of course it was a taipan, and of course it stood up nearly it's whole length and was going to "have" him. that's journalism.
as jairusthevirus21 said, this attitude toward snakes is generally accepted. The old man is a hero. This is why nearly every fearsome predator on earth is close to extinction. The snake was surely minding it's own business looking for a frog, and the old fella harrassed it. He was 3 meters away, of course it was going to have him. All he had to do was walk away.
The sad thing is the snake died as a martyr. If it had bit the old fart, it would give 100's of people an excuse to go on a snake hunt.
why not remove your kids?

I said if I could not safely remove the snake, if I could remove my kids without endangering them then sure that would be my first option, then I would remove the snake.
I would only kill a snake if I had no other safe option, like for example if it had my son cornered in a hallway, the chances of that ever happening are so remote though as 99.9% of snake encounters imo always have safe options for both human and snake.
Well I replied to the article but didn't realise they would have to approve it first lol. I guess my comment won't be posted as I was calling it irresponsible and harmful journalism lol.

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I can't belive they posted it lol
I'm from Mackay it's always been a struggle teaching the public in this area about snakes , every snake is a taipan
Well I replied to the article but didn't realise they would have to approve it first lol. I guess my comment won't be posted as I was calling it irresponsible and harmful journalism lol.

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Man challenged by deadly taipan | Mackay News | Local News in Mackay | Mackay Daily Mercury

I can't belive they posted it lol

I hadn't replied yet but I was contemplating writing to the editor and the phrase I was going to use was regarding responsible journalism and verifying facts before publication.
Too late now, they shut down the comments section.
I think it would be good if every time an article like this is published someone links it and we all jump on board and comment to try and stop the media portraying reptiles as Darth Vader trying to kill us all.
This is the one thing that has upset me about Australia more than anything - a complete disregard to the native wildlife.

"Strange that we protect our pests, snakes, flying foxes, crocodiles and cane toads, but so what if they kill us humans or our pets and other wildlife"

And this is an all to common reaction from your average Aussie fella (and felleress).

It's gutted me for so long... And I see no light at the end of the tunnel.

The worst thing of it all is that the snake killed was a harmless BTS (was it not?).

Why is the average Australian like this? If it was a minority reports like this wouldn't occur - and you can't tell me it's just media? It's bred into these people - no matter how you educate them, it appears genetically wired that native Australian animals deserve death!

I do notice that the Daily Mercury has this written as a footnote: "N.B. The Daily Mercury has sought comment from a registered snake handler in regards to these comments, response is available on the updated version of this article."

I have also written to the newspaper to help encourage them to remove the comments in the latest article - as these are the least helpful form of media out there.

I strongly suggest you ALL write to [email protected] and the general manager [email protected] and express your concern about the misinformation presented in these articles.

It is no good whining about it on here and doing nothing!!!
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Can someone answer if this is true:

"...Another was a lady at Mirani who walked out of the old library and was chased and set upon by a taipan. Fortunately, she was a large woman wearing a dress. It struck the dress and saturated it with venom. I believe the snake was found and "dealt with". A word of warning to anyone who has an item of clothing tainted with venom. Throw it away. No matter how much you wash that garment, it will always be slimy and even just wearing it a number of times can make you very ill as the venom is absorbed by the body. This happened to a cousin of mine when his jeans were hit by a taipan. He wore them again and again noting that the slime wouldn't wash out and in the meantime, he got sicker and sicker and it was discovered that he was absorbing the venom through his pants."

Firstly: A large woman would have no more 'fortunate' experience with a taipan than a smaller person - surely? Or are they implying because she was a larger woman wearing a dress? Not quite sure... But anyway... If you're a larger person you're no more likely to survive a venomous bite from a snake are you?

I assume the lethality of the venom on a larger person may be slightly longer in time, but surely not any more likely to survive (unless you take into consideration that a large person is lazy and doesn't move much).

Secondly... Venom on the clothes... Can someone clarify that one?
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