D10.1.3 – Packing and labelling
The following packaging and labelling requirements are mandatory for live animals sent in the post:
♦ the creatures must be enclosed in a strong, secure and well-ventilated box within a container
that exceeds 310 mm X 150 mm X 20 mm
♦ in the International Post, silkworm eggs must be enclosed in an inner covering (box, bag or
cloth) as well as the outer box
♦ the sender has fully completed a Shipper’s Certi f ication for Live Animals in duplicate and has
securely attached the duplicate copy to the outside of the parcel or satchel
♦ in the Domestic Post, the parcel or satchel bears the words SEPARATE BAG in the top left-hand
corner of the address side
♦ in the International Post, the parcel or satchel bears the words LIVE ANIMALS on the wrapping
and the documentation.
Copies of the Shipper’s Certi f ication for Live Animals form are available from appropriate industry
organisations, such as Beekeepers’ Associations. Beekeepers’ Associations may also use special
approved association declarations. The forms are generally not available at post offices.
So it can be done as it says there but I am unsure what that is restricted to.