Hi all,
Bit of self promotion, but for anyone in Sydney I will be down on the 11th of March to give a presentation to the Hawkesbury Herpetological society. In this talk I will be presenting an overview of my PhD research which has focused on investigating the social systems of estuarine crocodiles. The talk will be presented at the Penrith valley regional sports centre with the meeting starting at 7pm and my talk then beginning at around 7:30pm.
If you want some more information about what the talk will be about, or the when and where please follow the link below.
https://www.facebook.com/events/4744155452368678(turns out facebook links look a little dodgy on here)
Hopefully nothing happens this time causing it to get postponed again!
Cheers, Cameron
Estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) by Cameron Baker, on Flickr
Obligatory croc photo just cause
Bit of self promotion, but for anyone in Sydney I will be down on the 11th of March to give a presentation to the Hawkesbury Herpetological society. In this talk I will be presenting an overview of my PhD research which has focused on investigating the social systems of estuarine crocodiles. The talk will be presented at the Penrith valley regional sports centre with the meeting starting at 7pm and my talk then beginning at around 7:30pm.
If you want some more information about what the talk will be about, or the when and where please follow the link below.
https://www.facebook.com/events/4744155452368678(turns out facebook links look a little dodgy on here)
Hopefully nothing happens this time causing it to get postponed again!
Cheers, Cameron

Obligatory croc photo just cause