problem sloughing morelia.s.s

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Not so new Member
Nov 13, 2008
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summer hil sydney
hey my morelia s.s. (diamond) seems very hesitanat to slough, the last time she did, we had to soak her in water and it evntualy came off (we put heaps of rocks and braches around) but yet again she wont actualy start pullingitoffherself, we have doe the wholewater and skin shed spray, she in great health and eats well ect.
Doesanyone else get this prob with their morelia's??? if so wat so u do to help?
the tailend has fallen off on its own but is still stuck to the tip (its really p*****G her off i think!! lol) the humidty and tempsare all at the right setting so we jus dont really know wat else to do.
n plz no rude replys :0)
Be patient and simply let her do it in her own time. It's only when the she doesn't shed properly or she doesn't shed for a while (say about two weeks), that you should do it yourself. Making her shed before she's ready will cause her a huge amount of unnecessary stress.

You need to raise the humidity during her shedding period, by placing another water bowl in the hot end or by misting her daily.
yeah we have been spraying her & mistingher everyday since wwe noticed her eyes milk over, and that was almost 4 weeks ago now :0( our main reason for concern is that it happens everytome, an our other diamond right next to her same settings for the temps ect, sheds fine and same with the spotted to. last time we did not touch her for a month and she looked all ratty with bits of unshed skin, we dideventualy get it off when we decided to help her by soaking her, she just WILL NOT do it herself im starting tothink she is lazy!!! lol i dunno its just getting frustrating
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