Prolapse & Bearded Dragon

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AussiePythons Supporter
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Nov 2, 2006
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Well just over a week ago i noticed my female bearded dragon was suffering a prolapse. This occurred some 2-3days after her second clutch for the season. Shes about 5-6yrs old.
After initially attempting to massage it in place, i consulted a vet. All was good for the week to follow until this afternoon when i noticed it had occurred again.

She was taking an injection daily based on Vetinary advice and today is the second day after the timeframe for the injections has ceased.

Does anyone with experience on this matter have any opinion?

Seems quite odd to me that shes prolapsed 2 days after the injections have stopped...... i'm worried i'm being taken for a ride......i must say given my track record with the Vet i'm concerned if i'm being taken for a ride.

Any help is appreciated greatly.
I've been told that sugar water causes reduction in swelling and 'cools it down' but this was in regards to geckos..... males to be specific.

Best of luck with fixing the problem mate.
Yeah everything i've read is related to geckos or snakes..... i'm really at a loss on this issue..... and the vte is costing a fortune.
i've heard of the sugary water method used on beardies,..have u tried it?
Well still no real porgress.
She was in at the vets from tuesday till yesterday after i spat it. They have been trying to get her to poop for three days and have not been in contact with me at all over the matter.
I brought her home and put her in the enclosure, 12hrs later the heat lights go on and walla......she poops. Makes you wonder if they provided any heating for her at all.
Anyhows, shes prolapsed again and i'm about to take a sample into the vets for more testing.

Does anyone have any say on how i go about fixing up the sugar method. How much sugar to how much water? Warm or cool water?
good luck with her! hope all goes well!

as they said sugary water helps, i have just dislacated my finger and its nice in cold water =)
Find a different vet. The one you are using now sounds like he/she has no clue at all.

sorry I don't actually have anything productive to say!
Is it possibe she still has an egg inside? My girl had a prolapse a week after laying a clutch & it turned out she was straining like mad to get the last egg out. I soaked her in warm water for a while which seemed to help as she laid the egg not long after.


The sugar water method does help reduce the swelling in that area. However, if she continues to prolapse, she wil most likely need surgery to suture it back into place as those muscles are torn & cannot support themselves correctly. It depends on what prolapsed, the colon, intestines??
She could have eggs left, as well.
It sounds like she has had to strain alot which contributed to her prolapse. Does she have the proper UVB lighting & is she getting calcium as well?

Yeah UV is not an issue. Shes provided with a substantial amount during this time of year (being gravid and all all my females are exposed to natural light as often as possible). Calcium dusting has occurred for each feed.

Word from the Vet was that all i could do was push the tissue back in in the event of future prolapses. It may be a short term thing associated with an egg yet to pass (but was not picked up in scans......hmmm) or it may be a long term thing i need be very vigalent about.

Either way i've been keeping a close eye on her. Shes as active and responsive as normal.
I've been providing her with regular warm baths to aid in her pooping and ensuring more green based foods have been on offer to aid in this.

Can't say the vets prognosis was helpful to any extent. Its a shame that to seek further expertise i'd be required to travel double the distance.
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