Nero Egernia
Well-Known Member
Ah yes. The good old days. Where people kept reptiles simply because they were fascinating and beautiful. Not as money making commodities, not as status symbols, nor as their ticket for a chance to play God.
Just because I was thinking of breeding my jungle does Not mean I am going to sell or give any away. You're just jumping to conclusions. I was thinking about the coloring that would come out from breeding with a different color. Did not mean I'm actually going to breed. Sorry I forgot. You're the thought police too. As for the hobby. Who are you to say who can breed and who can't. In my opinion there should be only a handful of people in each state that are allowed to breed. It seems like people like you are in it for the money. Sure, you may take great care in looking after your animals but why do you breed? MONEY I'll also have you know my jungles go to the vet every 6 months for a full check up. Do you do this? I doubt it. They also live in enclosures better than my house and eat very well. Oh and guess what. That means they are treated like royalty and I put myself last.
WTF is this about???
I hear what you are saying Kitty but the animals worth what the buyer is willing to pay for it not what the seller thinks its worth.
The market is over supplied and if people are not spending it makes it difficult.
Thing is everyone thinks they are going to make a mint as a breeder so everyone wants to have a go. (Without putting a great deal of thought into what it is they are producing). Hence the question on another thread earlier today, (what snake should I put with my jungle....remember?). It's behavior like this that is turning the hobby a bit sour at the moment.
Back on track!
I personally have no problem paying for proof of provenance. If it's something I'm chasing and you can give me background on lineage then no probs.
But it's something that fewer people have the ability to do these days.
Disappointed your not selling native greens anymore Michael. It was always a long term goal to own one of your critters.
lineage charts like a dogs pedigree papers are a great idea but I think it will be a while before this happens
Problem with lineage records is unlike dogs or horses a lot of snake breeders put multiple males over females to guarantee a result. Anyone who bought a snake from Simon Stone/Southern Cross will be aware he only provided information on the Dam. Personally I know the sire of my albinos because I am selectively breeding particular pairs but this also leads to missed seasons with unproven sires.