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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
Gold Coast
Was just flicking through some old threads and noticed some people said if you arent experience with pythons dont think about getting a coloubrid.
Can you guys let me know why this is? Are they harder to keep, etc
I'm not looking at getting any haha I was just wondering what makes them different in terms of keeping them in captivity.
I kept a brown tree snake for about a year, they are easy as, only difference between pythons and it, apart from looks was it crapped from high areas accross walls and it bit like crazy, would bite whenever you went near it. so if you like cleaning crap and getting bitten get a bts :lol:
I thought BTS were venomous? Hahah I dont want any coloubrids, just curios :D Im fine with my Stimmie & soon to arrive Woma
slightly venomous coloubrids are but not to human, maybe a child and definatly animals. cause there rear fanged. heard there quite flighty and snappy compaired to python's I was interested in some Night tigers and was told be aware that they bite alot and that they would be more of a show animal. with little handling. unless you handled it regularily as a hatchy. pythons however can also be snappy but most arnt always snappy maybe only during feed time really. think thats why ppl say leave the coloubrids for the more exsperianced handler/keeper.
Maybe you should ask people who have kept them consistently and for a long time, rather then going off hearsay.
well its not like i have to know i just wanted peoples contributions. :) i was just curious, its not my fault no highly experienced coloubrid keepers replied :)
They are a nervous snake if we are talking about the likes of BTS and GTS ...colubrids are beautiful creatures ,but I think you will find the reason that they are not as popular as pythons is they are more work ,less likely to be comfortable and casual as say a python who most seem to want to take out of their vivs often ...they can be very hard to get feeding and as was said are more of a visual snake rather then a pet that wraps around you whilst on the computer ...also to say that BTS's are not dangerous to humans ..the venom may be less toxic then say that of some elapids that are kept ..but I know of people that actually have had quite severe itchy reactions ,sores and one lady that her glands in her breasts and under her armpits got really swollen BTS's arent really that harmless ...and most I have come across are very bitey too....
..and most I have come across are very bitey too....

I am amazed at how many people say this about BTS, I get called to relocate a large number of them every year and have yet to recieve a bite from one. I never use tools to catch them only my hands and never grab them by the head so they dont bite only gently freehandle them. Sometimes they are a little flighty at first but within a very short space of time they settle down and become placid slowly crawling through my hands.
Ive heard of some BTS's handle well and some others, but i mean every snake is different. I think they would be more of a display animal than anything else. And if you think you can manage it, like not afraid of getting bitten and when cleaning the cage and stuff (it may be a bit more work) and if its what your interested in then go for it.
I'm really looking forward to getting into Colubrids - hopefully get a BTS this season.... they are an awesome looking snake and surely worth any extra effort their husbandry requires...
Lol @ the hearsay. It's a forum, it's not like it's possible to ascertain the keeping experience of every person who posts. Your "voices of experience" could in fact be just as ill-informed as your "hearsay".

Anyway....we've both pythons and colubrids here. Can't say as the colubrids tolerate much handling. Pythons seems to put up with it a bit better (although we do have the odd flighty python.....and a few completely mental ones). So if you're primary focus in purchasing is to be able to play with your critters then colubrids may not be for you, that being said there are probably going to be a great number of pythons that aren't for you either. They're really no harder to keep than pythons, just different. And since there's varying requirements between pythons species I don't see how that difference could be much of an issue. Depending on the species you might keep them at different temperatures or levels of humidity. They may breed in different ways - I understand GTS breed in balls, with several males going over one female and with little or none of the fighting you'd expect in some pythons - and their eggs may have slightly different incubation requirements. Nothing that's going to burst a vessel.
I am amazed at how many people say this about BTS, I get called to relocate a large number of them every year and have yet to recieve a bite from one. I never use tools to catch them only my hands and never grab them by the head so they dont bite only gently freehandle them. Sometimes they are a little flighty at first but within a very short space of time they settle down and become placid slowly crawling through my hands.
I get a fair few BTS's as well ,and the same dont use a jigger /hook ...use my hands but in saying so have come across a fair few in the 4n1/2 years of catching that try and bite and are persistant in trying many times ...yes I have had nice calm ones too ..the GTS are 99%of the time calm, but the BTS have their moments ..depending on whats happened before I get there to catch them ...
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