Quick question by Python owner by proxy.

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Active Member
Dec 12, 2011
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Kallangur Queensland
Hi guys it's me again how often do snakes shed? and the tell tales signs if any also how long it takes and does the snake act differently?. There you go guys lots of things I need to know. Thanks and much appreciated. Joe Plant
Joe, it varies from snake to snake. While young pythons will shed more frequently, older snakes maybe only once every couple of months. There are some signs you can watch for, ie; eyes going cloudy, skin looking wrinkly &/or milky & loss of appetite, but again, the signs can vary.
Yep, my bredli disappears when in shed mode, & i dont see her again very much for the next 2wks. It does suck a little, but its best just to leave them be & do nothing, except give fresh water & i also give her enclosure a light mist once a day to assist with a trouble free shed.
Thanks again, why I am asking our Olive Python is acting differently this last 36 hours and not sure what's happening.. He usually goes on the hunt when night come and also he wanders around his enclosure during the Day but only sometimes he does this, but now he ain't doing nothing. Hope it's me who is just panicking but I have got to love this little guy. Cheers Joe
Very possible he is just going into shed.......just keep an eye on him over the next week to be sure it isnt anything more sinister though. It can be a little hard to pick up the signs the first time round, it wasnt until Matilda's second shed that i knew what to watch for, & for her, going into hiding & being snobbish are those signs. :lol: When in shed this is also the only time she has refused a feed, so now i dont even offer her a feed until she is finished doing her thing. Goodluck, its good to see you are keeping an eye on the 'normal' routine for your new friend, thats the best way to learn how to pick up if anything is wrong.
Bel it's Nigini's feed day Tomorrow should I still go ahead or wait a while to see what happens with him.. Thanks for the advice it's priceless. Cheers Joe
Personally I'd wait until tomorrow, if Nagini's been hiding for the past day and a half, it's likely that by tomorrow you should be able to see some sign of an impending shed.
They eyes might be silver or clouded, or his colour might be lighter or milky.
Putting off food for a day or two certainly won't do him any harm in any case.
Bel it's Nigini's feed day Tomorrow should I still go ahead or wait a while to see what happens with him.. Thanks for the advice it's priceless. Cheers Joe

Thanks Bel will keep an eye on him will let you know what happens ..thanks again Bel much appreciated. Joe

There is alot of mixed opinions on whether or not you should still offer food whilst during shed, some snakes will still eat, others wont. Of those that do, some may on occasion tear their skin, making shedding difficult. I personally dont bother offering a feed when i notice the cloudy/wrinkly look until my girl has shed, but that is more so due to the fact that on the occasion i did offer her dinner, she refused, & with just one snake, i had to throw away the rat, & where possible, i minimise waste......plus, she hides from me, so while she is being anti-social, she goes hungry! :p It wont hurt your olive to wait, but it also shld be fine to attempt feeding tomorrow as usual, he may or may not still feed.

& no worries at all, i am also quite new to keeping reptiles, so i know how worrying it can be when you dont know the signs! Where i can offer help/advice i will. :D
Hey Joe,
You only just got her, do you know when she last shed?
She may be still settling in.
Hey Joe,
You only just got her, do you know when she last shed?
She may be still settling in.
Hi Darlyn I have no idea when he last shed but last night as soon as darkness fell he came out doing his own thing, so I guess I worried for nothing. Thanks guys for all your input, much appreciated. Cheers Joe
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