R.I.P Ackie:( Urgent help needed

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2007
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Today when i was checking up on my reptiles, i noticed the larger of the 2 just laying on the ground, i didn't think much of it at first but when i checked it later n seen it in same spot i thought i may aswell give it a hold and it was DEAD :cry:
I am completly dumbfounded as to why just yesterdaY when i had it out so i could clean out there enclousure it was full of life and just now it's dead.
The only thing that i have changed recently was the sand yesterday when i was cleaning out the enclosure copuld that possibly have anything to do with it?
It was the healthier bigger of the two aswell, if i could've chosen one i thought could possibly ill would'nt have ben him
I purchased a dual probe thermometer yesterday to moniter the temps and the basking spot was at about 60 degrees and the cool end was around 30 could the temps have any possible effect on the animal?.
Could it also be impaction?
Im extremly worried for my remaining ackie now as it seems completley healthy and nothing seems out oif the ordinary with it just as the deceased one was.
Thanks for your help in advance :cry:

imo The heat probably had a big part of the death,60 degrees thats hot,please make sure the temperatures arnt that hot anymore,is the other eating and drinking...
What is the advised temp for ackies basking area?
python73, have you kept monitors before. 60C is within the window of the recomended basking spot temperature for ackies.

With things like this, it can be very difficult to diagnose problems and answers may never be known. If you have kept them in a similar setup and the only change you have made is the sand it could be an idea to change it. Its possible some sort of contaminate was in it. Otherwise a vet could do an ortopsy but these are often inconclusive.
imo The heat probably had a big part of the death,60 degrees thats hot,please make sure the temperatures arnt that hot anymore,is the other eating and drinking...

If you are not familiar with the husbandry of monitors then please don't comment.

In response to the original question, an autopsy will give you the best chance of finding out the answer. Otherwise it will be just guesswork.
No i havent keeped ackies,i just thought that 60 degrees would off cooked it,it just sounds way 2 hot for me,so around 60 degrees is the recommended basking spot..
Thanks guys, i think it may have been compaction from swallowing sand when eating crickets its probably the only explanation i can think of it was completly fine by the looks of things, it was the bigger of the 2, it ate more, and would have never ben the one i would have picked to die
Btw the bloke at the reptile shop at narellan said i could never bake an ackie aslong aslong as i produced enough warmth to keep the cool end around 30 degrees i only mentioned 60 because i thought it may have been to cool.
i neevr even got to give the poor fella a name, i was planning on getting he/she sexed during the week sometime aswell :( RIP

I was planning on purchasing another ackie for the pair to play with now ill have to put that on hold now and see how my other little mate goes **fingers crossed**
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A 60C basking spot seems about right.

I would be looking at another cause.

An autopsy sounds like it could be worth while.

Impaction does not sound to me like a likely suspect.
No i havent keeped ackies,i just thought that 60 degrees would off cooked it,it just sounds way 2 hot for me,so around 60 degrees is the recommended basking spot..

When I had mine they frequently basked under a spot that measured just over 70degC
What was the substrate before you changed it to sand? And yes, a necrotopsy is the best option to find out what's wrong.
I've ben using sand as a substrate for them all along, i just decided to replace the old sand with some fresh stuff.
I'd like to do an autopsy but as grimbeny mentioned they are often inconclusive
ah well:(
Say i was to buy 2 more hatchling ackies to put in with the remaining ackie it wouldnt cause to much problems with size, dominance eating most of the food?
I'd advise removing the sand, and putting some different sand in, or putting something different in temporarily (such as newspaper). And yes, putting younger ackies with an older and bigger one would cause stress and possibly the death of the younger ones.
temps are fine.
My hot spot is 70ish
Cool end around 30.
Impaction would take longer to effect them than overnight. I think.
When were they last fed? Any chance the food was the problem?
I put food in there that day i think and the day before so im not to sure if it could have ben food or not?:?
How are ackies on there own?
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