RAIN!! Beautiful Rain!!!

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Has the government actually started taxing people on rainwater the residents catch? cos if they had Im one unhappy camper...
Hey Jozz and rodentrancher good to see the rain is out your way. Hopefully get a bit of flow into the Murray.
thats really good but 6mils isnt that much it would bearly wet the ground let alone refill the ground water supply i do hope australia get some more rain soon
you dont want reall strong rain tho, cos then it will just run off the top...
what we really need is about 4 days of drizzle so it can slowly soak into the soil
Keep huffing and puffing rodent rancher.....we got 4.2 drops but unfortunately they dried up before they hit the ground. We dont want to have to cull our stock but may have to if no rain comes. Carting water for stock and the house is nearly bankrupting us. Not to mention the cost of feed. But hey we are Ok there is a lot worse off than us.
Dont know how much we have had but it has pelted down here most of the night. Certainly not complaining (even tho i have a line full of clothes). We need the rain badly everything here was starting to dry out and our tanks were geting low.
Hey guys can you send the Rain up to Brissy and surrounding areas.....

We desperately need it..... If we dont get rain soon... we wont be having showers, baths, flushing or doing our clothes or dish washing .....

Damn govt is a bit slow on getting their Ass into gear with the Desalination Plant and Recycled Water pipes up here....GGGRRRRR!!!!!
i love the rain :D we dont have water restrictions here yet so its a pity its not raining more elsewhere! although it makes my work easier cause the tourists wont come when its dismal and wet :D Hurrah:D
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