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Active Member
May 8, 2007
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western sydney nsw
i quick question i have my rats outside under a car port will rats stop breedin if there to cold cos its startin to get really cold here in during the nite
I'm guessing so, my breeders that are outside have gone on strike ever since it's got really cold.
I don't know in the 18 months breeding them I have found them to breed better through the cooler months without the stress of our hot summer. My mice certainly have picked up and rats certainly haven't dropped off any.
yea well mine havnt breeded at all since its been cold im about to give up on them cos mine slowed down while it was really hot and now there just eating and gettin fat thats all
Rats and temps

I have looked and looked on many many websites and they all seem to agree the prime temp. For breeding rats is 23-24c and I have found this to be right as well , more than 5 degrees either side of that and they tend to slow up or virtually stop ....but having said that someone is bound to reply they have experienced different but i believe in the vast majority of cases it is true...cheers solar 17 [Baden]
i quick question i have my rats outside under a car port will rats stop breedin if there to cold cos its startin to get really cold here in during the nite

Yeah they do but there are things you can do to help keep them warm. Some garden mulch or hay they can use to make a bed, nice big box they can go inside to get out of the cold. And perhaps covering over their open wire (not all of it) say half way will also help. Do you feed them pellets at all? Rat pellets or just anything? If you buy them just anything, check the labels available and find something with a bit higher protein. This will also help keep them warmer, but in summer going down in protein may be necessary to stop them overheating.
yea thats sounds good with the mulch ill try that i have pots in there all year around so that they can get out of the heats as well my rats dont lik the pellets at all they just throw them out and they just sit there i feed them oaten cubes cat food biskets bread but ill go out and get sum high protein food for them
there's probably no need to go out and buy anything different specially if they don't eat it. Cat biscuits usually have a pretty good protein content to sustain them. Apart from what you are already doing, there is little more you can do about the winter.
Ive been breeding rats for a few years now,when the cooler weather comes,mine slow down compared to when its warmer.Im still getting a 4-6 litters every month or so.Apparently too much bread is not good for them,i occasional give mine some,maybe once a week.They love vegies,bones etc...Maybe as suggested throw a blanket or something over them during the night,keep them alot warmer...
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