These are a few pictures from two nights of herping that myself and DanTheMan have done over the past week.
Brown Tree Snake Boiga Irregularis
We came across one of these on each night we went out both crossing the road.
Coastal Carpet Python Morelia spilota mcdowelli
We found one juvie carpet on the first night and two juvies and a large adult on the second night. I never get sick of seeing carpets as the variation amongst them is incredible!
Bandy Bandy Vermicella annulata
We saw three Bandy Bandy's on the first night (including one DOR) and one on the second night but by the time we had pulled over it had disapeared into the grass never to be seen again. We also managed to find an interesting specimen with a spot instead of the regular banding.
Golden Crowned Snake Cacophis squamulosus
We found two of these little guys on the second night, they were a first for me and an amazing little snake to see in the flesh.
Pink Tongue Skink Cyclodomorphus gerrardii
Pink Tongues seemed to be out in force on the second night and we saw many of them basking on the tar road, we also found one very aggressive but incredible looking patternless example but unfortunatly it disappeared down over an embankment before we could get any pictures.
Southern Spotted Velvet Gecko Oedura tryoni
These geckos were common around toilet blocks in campsites and we saw a couple of fairly large examples.
Stoney Creek Frog Litoria wilcoxi
These frogs were plentiful around water sources and on the road, first picture is a male and I believe the second is a young female?
I'm not sure what this frog is (I'm not up on my frog species). I'm sure Dan did say its name but I cannot remember, if somebody could identify it for me that would be great.
Brown Tree Snake Boiga Irregularis
We came across one of these on each night we went out both crossing the road.

Coastal Carpet Python Morelia spilota mcdowelli
We found one juvie carpet on the first night and two juvies and a large adult on the second night. I never get sick of seeing carpets as the variation amongst them is incredible!

Bandy Bandy Vermicella annulata
We saw three Bandy Bandy's on the first night (including one DOR) and one on the second night but by the time we had pulled over it had disapeared into the grass never to be seen again. We also managed to find an interesting specimen with a spot instead of the regular banding.

Golden Crowned Snake Cacophis squamulosus
We found two of these little guys on the second night, they were a first for me and an amazing little snake to see in the flesh.

Pink Tongue Skink Cyclodomorphus gerrardii
Pink Tongues seemed to be out in force on the second night and we saw many of them basking on the tar road, we also found one very aggressive but incredible looking patternless example but unfortunatly it disappeared down over an embankment before we could get any pictures.

Southern Spotted Velvet Gecko Oedura tryoni
These geckos were common around toilet blocks in campsites and we saw a couple of fairly large examples.

Stoney Creek Frog Litoria wilcoxi
These frogs were plentiful around water sources and on the road, first picture is a male and I believe the second is a young female?

I'm not sure what this frog is (I'm not up on my frog species). I'm sure Dan did say its name but I cannot remember, if somebody could identify it for me that would be great.