3) force feeding with liquid supplement - frog's colouring indicates very poor systemic condition so some energy supplentation will help; you'll need an eye dropper or syringe and a small cup to mix up a cocktail which will be based on Polyaid bird emergency supplement. Exact measures are not important but only mix what you can use in that feeding. The mixture should be runny enough to pass easily through a small syringe. Include about 1/4 polyaid, 1/4 water, you can add the four antibiotic drops, add a little calcium powder or liquid calcium supplement, a sprinkle of powdered reptile vitamins and mix well. If you can get a total of 2ml of cocktail into the frog, this will be absorbed immediately. This liquid booster is better than force feeding a bug because the energy required to digest the exoskeleton can cause a weakened thin frog to get worse or die trying to digest its meal. The liquid food takes no energy and puts energy into the bloodstream in a few minutes.