Regurged feed AGAIN!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2009
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In a house of herps - and loving it!
Hey guys I've had Fluffy a few months now (3year old spotted python) when I first bought him home he regurged his first feed, I put it down to the fact I had his hot spot waaaay too hot anyways took him to get checked out as a precationary and found out he wasn't in good health, everything has been going really well he's putting on weight, he's been wormed, his temperament is perfect etc his temps are 22 cool end -30/31 hot spot I feed him every 10 days and it's been fine but he regurged his feed again.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, and wondering can this be hurting/upsetting his stomach? I feed him hoppers ? - inbetween fuzzy and large mouse - he's still drinking etc normally, doesn't seem too fased by it but it can't be healthy I'm sure.
How long should I wait to offer another feed and is there anything else I could be doing for him?
how long after you feed is he regurging the food? Are you sure they are defrosted properly?
I let mine thaw in fridge for best part of day then put them in a tub of hot(tap) water for five mins or so and that solved my spotted regurgitating problem. Hope it helps :)
have you been handling him?
has he got a hide or two that he can retreat to?

Just on a curious note, how are you heating the hot spot?
He's regurging the same night he's fed, I'm positive they have thawed properly I leave them in the fridge for the day then put them in a ziplock bag with hot water from the tap he won't touch it unless it's fairly warm and I have to jiggle the feed with the tongs and give a lil bit of tension so he thinks it's live, I guess I test it's ready by having a squishy belly.
I handle him maybe once a week if that, he has a hide, since I live up north so temps are still hot as so just using a normal light bulb but it's hooked up with the thermostat.
I have defrosted rats that are warm and have a squishy belly but a cold head.
I always feel the head before I feed mine.
Mate, are all your feeds so far been from the same batch of mice? Perhaps a dodgy batch?
Because they're smaller than rats I'm assuming they're defrosted but will check the head next time for sure, and Kristy I'm hoping you're onto something they have all been the same batch...I just bought some more so will see how the next feed - how long should I wait until I offer again?
I would recommend defrosting your rats in hot water, not leaving them in the fridge all day then heating them. As soon as they start to defrost any harmful bacteria begin to multiply and may reach a harmful level. At least if you defrost them in a bucket of hot water or similar it is a fast process which reduces the chances of bacteria reaching dangerous levels.
I defrost mine straight from the freezer in hot tap water, too. No fridge time.

If it IS the batch of mice, I would maybe wait 2 days, in case he's feeling yuck, then try again with new batch mice. If he regurges again, I'd be taking him back to the vet. I'd also be contacting whoever you bought him from - that's a lot of health problems in the short time you've had him.
I would recommend defrosting your rats in hot water, not leaving them in the fridge all day then heating them. As soon as they start to defrost any harmful bacteria begin to multiply and may reach a harmful level. At least if you defrost them in a bucket of hot water or similar it is a fast process which reduces the chances of bacteria reaching dangerous levels.

Totally agree with you there, working in the food manufacturing industry i use alot of frozen ingredients and if they are out of the freezer for more than an hour they need to be thrown out due to the bacteria levels and that is in 200kg of veg. And due to that fact that you cannot heat a mouse to 72 degrees for 2 minutes (Australian standard for destroying bacteria) you will be feeding alot of bacteria. I know animals can handle a larger amount of bacteria than humans, but i'd still prefer to be safe than sorry.
Should I let the shop I bought the mice from know ...just so others aren't having the same issue?
I have already emailed the shop I bought Fluffy from and made it clear I will never purchase from them again...She seemed really cut as I spent ALOT there, she emails occasionally to check in with him, sucking up just a wee bit : p Should I keep persisting with him or take him back - I have grown pretty attatched but at the same time I want a healthy python!...
i defrost my rodents in warm/hot water just leave them sit in there if you have heaps of them or are defrosting a large rat in a small bucket (i like to use metal wine buckets) change the water out when it goes cold

this seems to defrost them well+ make them warm for when you present them to your snakes

give them a squeeze when you take them out and if they are cool in the middle you will feel it
I wouldn't let the shop you bought the mice from know until you feed again, so that you are more sure that the problem is with that batch of mice. If you were polite and persistent, they might give you another batch :)

If the shop who sold you Fluffy is still emailing you to check on him, I would say she genuinely feels bad about the situation. If it were me, I would wait and see if he feeds happily on new mice, but if you need to take him to the vet again, and particularly if the vet can't work out what's wrong, then I would be going back to the shop to discuss the issue. I had to take a hatchling back after 3mths once, and yes, you feel bad/guilty, but it wasn't the snake I was after, and the breeder and I came to a happy agreement.

Good luck with the feeding, let us know how it goes!
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