The best defence is layered security so it takes bad guys a long time to get to the goodies with risk increasing all the time.
My neighbours and I have street cameras that will record any suspicious activity like casing the place. Then there are high perimeter walls and fences that will require ladders, then the german shepherds that hopefully have been trained not to touch anything thrown over the fence, they are alerted by the black cockatoos that are super sensitive to any new or unusual activity in the vicinity. Even if they get past the dogs they will be on CCTV all the time, I can pick up any of this vision from my phone. Next are more gates, security shutters and very secure laminated glass windows and deadlocked doors, any entry here triggers the monitored alarm including images to my phone, I can hear conversations and talk back.
Behind my garage door is a wall with another door and both doors to my reptile area are locked. Get inside and there are more cameras and alarm sensors and all the snake cages are locked so the glass will have to be smashed one at a time.
A lot of time will have elapsed to get this far and either I, my very large neighbour or the police will be on the scene.
In addition there are some unconventional security measures in my snake room that will be the bad guys worst nightmare.
Not everyone can or will want to go to this trouble, I purchased the right sort of property in the first place with a lot of security in place and don't have a lot of people coming and going.