respitory infection help

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2008
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gday all
a couple of my pythons seem to hav respitory infections, i hav bin to a vet and asked wat i shud do..she said tht in most cases its brought on if the environment is too cold for em or too hot (is tht true?..the too hot bit)so i now hav thermometres and a thermostat to monitor how hot and cold it is (got them a couple of months ago) and things still havn't seemed to have changed. i read somewhere tht humidity can cause it aswell... i have water bowls tht are kitty litter trays so i started to think tht is why so i decidedd to yake the water bowls out and put them in every 2/3 days

any pointers/tips/advice u could giv me?
any help will be much appreciated

they are 31.6 at hot end and 27.4 at other dont hav humidity thingo mebob
What are their clinical signs and how long have they been affected? I would always have a water bowl in their cage at all times.
My vet reckons you probably need a basking spot of about 35 degrees and a cool end at about 25 degrees. If you can't get your cool end cold enough when you bump up the hot end, stick another large vent down that end.

Hope this helps.
they hav had it about 2 months or so and they hav like a whissle when the breath havnt seen them restin their head against a cage wall yet
Are they still eating? Have they been given any antiobiotics? Do they have stomatitis too or just respiratory signs? Any open mouth breathing or just wheezing? When I treat RI I get the hot end around 32-33 and ideally keep them at that temp with no cool spot. Incubators are great for smaller pythons. If they sit down the cold end all the time when you bump up the temp in the hot end they won't get better.
they are still eating very well they havnt been givin any antibiotics yet she said get the environment right first then if there is still no changes then she will giv antibiotics (whats stomatitis?) jst wheezing
Stomatitis is an infection in the mouth, looks ike reddness around the teeth to start with then when it gets bad there is pus in the mouth. If they are eating well and just wheezing make sure they are warm enough. What sort of pythons are they and what age? Do they move around the cage or stay more up hot or cold end? What size cage?
they are carpet pythons 1 is about a metre year n a half and other 3 yrs bout 2 metres i reckon the 3 y/o shud be longer but it looks like he is jst getting fatter...they stay at the cool end most the time..dont move much
oh size of cage is 3ft long,2ft deep and 2ft high
So since they are staying at the cool end all the time you need to warm them up, no use having a hot end if they don't go there. Get them to sit around 30-33 if you can so warm the whole cage up. Make sure you have a thermostat set up well and you measure the temps cause they can get too hot. By getting them warm their immune system works much better and they will recover quicker. The other thing you can do is give them natural sunlight a few times a week for about 30 mins each time, natural UV can also boost their immune system and getting them moving around outside on the grass helps clear their lungs sometimes. Are you sure the one getting fatter is a boy?
yes i am sure he is a boy.. thnk u so much for ur help Dr i have learnt so much i didnt kno b4
thnk u!!
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