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i love it when people message (not call) you and ask how much READ THE add imbocile and then proceed to send you a series of messages over a few hours getting bits of info instead of a two minute phone call. I took my stimmie female off the market cause of tyre kickers much a shame because she is now gravid
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A tyre kicker is someone that asks alot of question over a couple of days. The whole time they are saying "it looks really great, I want to buy I just need to sort some stuff out. I a saving the money, buying the stuff tomorrow then I will buy it, can you freight it, if I buy it can we meet halfway, ok I will sort out import permits tomorrow"
Then after all that after you have been answering all there question they say no not interested. The really annoying thing is you know they are most probably a tyre kicker but you have to be polite anyway. Even when they stuff you around.

This sounds similar to what i did recently with a guy i am buying my beardies from lol. I didn't yet have a licence or anything. He wasn't in a hurry to sell them or anything though. I asked a lot of questions because they are my first, i asked what they currently eat, how old, had they bred before, who bred them etc.
I don't think i am/was a tyre kicker though because i put down a depisit before applying for the licence (the licence took 3 weeks to turn up) and paid the remaining amount yesterday and they are now being picked up so will be home soon. In my case i also had to move furniture etc because of the size of their enclosures so it took a fair bit to organise. I am now looking into buying a few snakes off these people and have become friends with them too :D
I may have seemed like a time waster in the beginning but i never asked them to lower their price or anything, building a good personal friendship with them and am looking at buying from them again soon so it has turned into a win win situation :D
Em1986 that's really good for you. Glad your happy with the purchase, in that situation you weren't a time waster as you put a deposit on it. I understand some people don't have their licence whilst there looking but so far the people I have come across, actually arn't that interested in having a licence. They just want me to sell it off licence as it easier for them.
"hey so lyk can it be handled??" <-- That as an introductory email in asking about an animal I have for sale, is really, really, what makes me angry.
I remember I once inquired about a Pink Tongue I saw for sale, we got into it with price then I said "Ok then so will you organise the movement advise?" She didnt know what I was talking about. I told her that I'd just fill it in and that I needed her license number to do so, her reply was "What license?" I asked where she got the lizard from and she said "My garden" :|
Your right blakehose. All the time waster have terrible spelling and the seem to struggle to form a logical sentence.
Em1986 that's really good for you. Glad your happy with the purchase, in that situation you weren't a time waster as you put a deposit on it. I understand some people don't have their licence whilst there looking but so far the people I have come across, actually arn't that interested in having a licence. They just want me to sell it off licence as it easier for them.

That would be very annoying! It reminds me of a girl recently i came accross on a facebook page asking where she could buy a snake from, i sent her a pm saying i know a guy selling his snakes and told her that she would need a licence and enclosure etc. I got a reply saying she wanted a cornsnake and even though she knows they are illegal she wanted to take the chance and get one anyway AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!
Also the thing in my situation is that the photo was put up in march to sell them and when i found it and made an enquiry i expected them to have sold months ago because it was only last month i contacted them.
I guess i was just lucky and got a guy that understood and was quite cruisy about selling them :D
There absolutely is a difference there Emilie :) Some people are just checking out the market and seeing what's what, that's fine. Then there are people, as has been said, that try to get you to frieght, deliver, drop the price to a stupid level or offer them on payment plans, etc. now that IS rude. Just like any industry, you buy and sell for what people are willing to pay, or you suck it up and keep it beccause it's worth more than the offered price. I think, though, that when it comes to a living animal people really need to demonstrate their commitment to the animal initally through its purchase price. If you can't afford to buy the animal you surely can't afford to feed, house and otherwise care for it correctly let alone pay it's vet bills. Now, i work in a vet clinic and i am horrified by the abuse we receive from some clients expecting us to service their animals for free or near enough claiming that we ought to on the grounds that we love animals and its our duty or something similarly insulting like that.

I do get what you are saying but it's not always the case. The pygmy python I wanted was, in all the ads i looked at, over $1000. Since I already had enclosures, heat mats and heatcords, light socket cords and thermostats from previous pet keeping over the years (including building my own incubator for quail eggs). I was pretty much set up for a hatchie but as I have car repairs that need doing and a boyfriend that live 4 hrs away from me I wasnt really in a position to pay that much for the snake I wanted. I also work 10 hr days which made pick up hard so if the person wasnt close I would defiantely need shipping. I was lucky enough to find a breeder only a couple of hours away that had hatchies more within my price range (after posting a wanted ad on here). Otherwise I would have had to wait at least another year for the next batch of hatchies in the hopes that I would be in a better financial position to get one then. The upkeep costs of this snake long term however would not be that much as it's pretty small and snakes are waaay cheaper than dogs to feed. In order to find what I wanted and get started in the hobby I had to ask annoying questions. I had no choice. That doesnt mean I can't afford to keep her or I'm not committed.
I do get what you are saying but it's not always the case. The pygmy python I wanted was, in all the ads i looked at, over $1000. Since I already had enclosures, heat mats and heatcords, light socket cords and thermostats from previous pet keeping over the years (including building my own incubator for quail eggs). I was pretty much set up for a hatchie but as I have car repairs that need doing and a boyfriend that live 4 hrs away from me I wasnt really in a position to pay that much for the snake I wanted. I also work 10 hr days which made pick up hard so if the person wasnt close I would defiantely need shipping. I was lucky enough to find a breeder only a couple of hours away that had hatchies more within my price range (after posting a wanted ad on here). Otherwise I would have had to wait at least another year for the next batch of hatchies in the hopes that I would be in a better financial position to get one then. The upkeep costs of this snake long term however would not be that much as it's pretty small and snakes are waaay cheaper than dogs to feed. In order to find what I wanted and get started in the hobby I had to ask annoying questions. I had no choice. That doesnt mean I can't afford to keep her or I'm not committed.

In reference more to the people who expect you to lower your price simply because they say they will 'love it and look after it and play with it every day', etc. Besides that i'm unsure as to what your point was as i'm pretty sure we're talking about the same thing here :)
Haha Shoo i'll give u a hug :p

I get frustrated by friends without reptiles, who roll their eyes at me when I explain how I don't want them to tell everybody they know in the local area, what I have in my collection. They think that it is silly and I am exaggerating when I say I worry about people stealing.

The most ANNOYING thing was when I was selling an enclosure to people from Gumtree, who I didn't know from a bar of soap, who owned a LARGE truck capable of carrying everything I own. I took the enclosure outside so they didn't come in my house, and then I went in to grab something and my housemate went out and listed my whole collection to them. I saw red.

I have friends and family do the same thing, telling everyone i own reptiles without thinking. And one of the people they told stole my coastal carpet and i cant prove they did it. My advice microchip all reptiles and/or install a home serveilance system.
Well, my point was more for the statement "if you can't afford it you cant afford to keep it". I would be really annoyed if people asked me to lower a price when they just want it as a fad and you know they are going to get bored of it. But not everyone who is looking for a cheaper price is uncommitted and unable to look after it. Some people just have a bad habit for picking the expensive snakes like me. Had I been unable to find the python I wanted at a price I could feel comfortable paying I would have picked another python. It would not have been my dream one but I would have loved it all the same. It's all down to the individual experience at the time. I was just pointing out that there are always exceptions.
Oh man; I had a mate's brother-in-law ask to ask if we'd give him a snake FOR FREE which put her in a difficult position. The really funny thing is, is he was intending to let it free-range amongst his many cats. Yah good luck even buying one now. Also had an old family friend with no license and no sense ask me on my public wall in facebook how much he could get for a 'good-sized snake' because he just caught one. Btw, what is it? I had to write a very long response detailing funny things called laws, and random cards and bits of paper called licenses. Not to mention a suggestion that maybe some research on the animal in question, the industry, and some reputable and above all LEGIT breeders might come in handy. *sigh*:rolleyes:
You can only laugh sometimes, can't you?
Also had an old family friend with no license and no sense ask me on my public wall in facebook how much he could get for a 'good-sized snake' because he just caught one. Btw, what is it? I had to write a very long response detailing funny things called laws, and random cards and bits of paper called licenses. Not to mention a suggestion that maybe some research on the animal in question, the industry, and some reputable and above all LEGIT breeders might come in handy. *sigh*:rolleyes:
You can only laugh sometimes, can't you?
What did he write back?
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