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Dead or killed in an accident hey ! Woah.

That's not at all an extreme assumption to make !!!!

I agree.

A far more acceptable and likely scenario is that they have

a) died of natural causes before they could ammend their advertisement or
b) a horribly sickening accidental death or
c) one of their relatives is being read their last rites and the poor sellers are sitting in economy class on a 747 hoping to make it in time

It was wrong of us to assume they may be lazy or arrogant or unwilling to help anyone beneath them on the Herpetological Salesperson Scale of Credibility !!!!

.......Guess there's a bunch of unclaimed corpses, dying cousins and highway slaughters in Brisbane then because by the sounds of it we sure send alot of unanswered requests for info !!!!
If you don't like sellers then there is an easy way around it. Wait for free ones, ask your parks authority if you can catch your own or go without!
...... I happily answered all questions, in depth.........

Me too, and add photos, but some ppl can't be bothered reading if I write too much and I am good at writing too much. So if you don't want to know everything I know about the animal I sell, don't read it. Doesn't matter to me either if you want to go somewhere else. I tell ppl what they want to know, but I also reassure them they aren't obligated to anything, just because they've asked questions.
Gordo Gordo Gordo.... 9 million posts man and you're over-simplifying already ? Dude you KNOW we weren;t hating on all sellers; but hell yeah buying as well as selling online is littered with frustrating experiences; whether they be directly attributed to one or both parties' attitude. That's why I buy my gear from totally respectful sellers like Bindi Irwin and Chopper Read.
I totally agree but one of those rude buyers might just spend a lot of money.....-(

I agree with you, when you are in business trying to make a living, but if someone wants to display a rude attitude, what does that tell me, as far as how they will treat the animal. They can keep their money, my animals aren't going with anybody that I suspect may mistreat them.
Didn't know Bindi was into the gear... guess that explains why she's so wired all the time! But i hear Chopper supplies some pretty sweet gear, just don't tell him there's no cash... he won't beleive you! :lol:

Gordo Gordo Gordo.... 9 million posts man and you're over-simplifying already ? Dude you KNOW we weren;t hating on all sellers; but hell yeah buying as well as selling online is littered with frustrating experiences; whether they be directly attributed to one or both parties' attitude. That's why I buy my gear from totally respectful sellers like Bindi Irwin and Chopper Read.
Yeah I'd have to agree... I always sus out the buyer....

All my buyers also get a courtesy message from me a few days afterwards saying I forgot to warn them that the snake will turn into a Kracken and kill their children if it is exposed to HipHop or Guy Sebastian. You know; standard follow up.

ps - Gordo it scares me to think you are responsible for educating our children ;)
Meh it's no different to ANY retail transaction; there are rude people everywhere. At the end of the day when you sell something you have to expect things aren't going to be smooth sailing. Sellers need to remember that it's the seller that is SELLING/PROMOTING/ADVERTISING.

None of us want to hand over money to someone who doesn't show respect. Sometimes the seller thinks he is doing the buyer a favour. It doesn't work like that. Competition is fierce; and I'll happily pay a little more to a cool cat than get a great deal from a seller who thinks I owe him/her a living.

Online sales are WAY easier than a personal sale- I still answer the silly questions and rudeness with honest and respectful answers. It's called professional courtesy; it is no less important or valid or REQUIRED whether it's a cruisy thread on APS or a big $$ contract with a client. Some sellers here seem to think because this is an informal market that the courtesy and professionalism necessary to nail the deal is moot. Well guess requires the same, if not MORE mental exertion to write a smartass response or pull attitude than to reply quickly and quietly to a buyer regardless of their approach.

Maybe the seller needs to realise that in the eyes of the buyer "... by the time you FIND one snake you want to buy, you've requested 1000 times for extra photos that have never come, asked in depth husbandry questions in order to ensure you do the best by your reptile, have been abused, ignored and haggled with and blah blah blah......"

Not that I'm bitter...:)

2 way street man.

I have wanted to buy a python from a seller but that seller decided they didn't like me and would not answer my PM's. I was prepared to go through a third party to acquire a python from this seller because I really like the quality of their snakes. I ended up finding a snake, as beautiful, somewhere else so that seller lost out. But I am sure they don't care, they have plenty more money coming in from other buyers. Should I ever want a mate for my python, if I can't get one from the person I bought one from, or from my close circle of most trusted, I will go through third party, to get what I want from the seller who seems to hate me and has never met me except for on these forums. The point to my story is, sometimes, rude sellers do have great snakes and look after them well. Sometimes can be trusted to have high, quarantine standards so buying from these rude, undeserving ppl sound better than buying a cheaper, look-a-like from somewhere else. So don't settle for 2nd best just because they won't sell to you for whatever their silly reason is. If you really want it, get it. Where there's a will, there's a way.
well yesterday i had a Rude/Nice seller lol... he was nice enough to drop off My new BlueTongue... But he just knocked on the door put it in my hands took the money said bye and left haha... I didnt even get time to look at it.. Well i guess thats the service you get when you pay only $5 hahaha
For five bucks though you can just chuck it out the back for the cat to play with, right ?
The cat did actually try eat it lol... when he dropped it off i hadn't had the Enclosure setup yet so he/She was just in a tub with newspaper... Anyway i Left my door open and when i cam back the cat was licking the lizard haha... Scared the crap outta me i thought she was eating Her/Him
The number one most annoying thing to hear after you have spent time informing a potential buyer about the particular herp you have up for sale is "oh yeah so I haven't actually got my licence number yet, but is it cool if I show you all the paperwork? I'll pay double".... What paperwork? You either have a valid licence or not, stop cutting corners and being a tight-a**e and pay for one!

Feels good to vent!
Look I did not even bother to read all the posts on the thread.
I am sure that others have said the same thing that I am about to say & for those that have not & backed the rude people, get yourself sorted.

I have on a couple of occassions pulled out of a deal through the seller being ignorant or just not wanting to help.
Move onto another supplier, there are many & if you are looking for a specific trait in a reptile, it is my expererience that most of these people are willing to help. IF NOT GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Well its not about herps, its about bikes.

First im selling my honda xr80 motor bike and its up for $1400 and i have about 20 emails offering like $100 or like a trade for a bredli and enclosure, its like you serious!

And for the past 3 weeks i have been trying to get a bike off some guy. Its not cheap, it stared off and $2400, but after he had it up for a few months he brought it down to $1600 quick sale. So im like yeah give me a week ill sell my road push bike and get you the cash ASAP. So he says ok i need to put the wheel in the bike shop should be ready by monday (the day was sunday). So short its now about 2 weeks after and he was coming to drop it off today. But he texts me to tell me he cant find the spare parts that were coming with it and he would bring it another day, but you know you cant really trust someone over the internet. So hopefully he has found it and he shows up on thursday and i will get the bike :)
I've had sellers practically hang up on me as soon as I ask the first question, I've also had sellers be so unaccommodating in messages that it was obvious to me they didn't want to sell to me, then I've had a quite large, reputable breeders not answer my messages at all. I've also had people tell me their animals are not for sale only to advertise them a week later. There is no way I would go through a third party to give these people money, I'd rather go without. On the plus side, the people I have purchased off have all been great. I know from working in retail that the customer is not always right and some buyers are difficult but to make that assumption before even dealing with someone is just rude as far as I'm concerned and those kind of sellers don't deserve my money.
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