scale rot or burns??

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Very Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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fisrtly i have to say hi yall its been a few months.

and to the main point is this scale rot or burns?

i thought scale rot at first took her to a vet they said burns...unconvinced i took her to a second vet who said scale rot.

that said niether would prescribe anti-biotics and i am still unsure... if its a burn i have betadine but if its scale rot i dont want to treat it with that.

temps 30c under hide rock
paper changed daily (to prevent infection/spreading)
water changed daily
still feeding with voracious appetite
doesnt seem tender when touched.

sorry for the poor quility image.
oh and to add the damage only showed up post shed.
Bump? Help identifying the problem would be great? And any possible solutions Would be appreciated
Either way I would increase temperature to 32-33C. Why not Betadine for scale rot?
What sort of heating are you using? If you are using heat cord or a heat mat to supply under belly heat, it might be getting too hot if your thermostat probe is not placed directly on the heat source. Is the temp of 30C taken by measuring the air rather than the substrate? - if so the substrate will be getting much hotter than 30C, and could very well be the cause of a ventral burn. In fact, 30C is probably too warm for the hide temperature anyway, most snakes would avoid a relentless temp of 30C - they like acces to it when they want it, but need to be able to spend time in cooler spots as well, and the places they naturally retreat to will be cooler than that.
belly burn/ scaqle rot, same treatment.
daily baths in betadine solution, 20ml - 2L of water @ about 28*
soak for 10-15mins then towel dry as best as possible
no water in the cage that it can get into, only a small one so it can drink if it wants

thermostat should be set up as pythoninfinate said, on the directly heated surface.
the airtemp around a heatmat can be cold and the mat can be 40/50/60*
if your not using a thermostat, your nuts. microclimate B1 dimming stat is great.
surface temps of 30* is fine.
im useing a thermostat (reptile one heat mat + probe thermo) and testing temps with a habistat dual probe thermometer.
okay well we will start the baths tonight. i was under the imprssion betadine was no good for scale rot, however ill trust you on it and give it a go. i assume i bathe her till the infection/damage clears up?
Hard to see with the pics ... I dont wont to say either way...everyone will have there own thoughts on it mate...
But if you have a local reptile shop that no what they are talking about i would head down and bring the snake and show them...some very good advice on this site dont get me wrong by any means just hard to see in the pics :)
Or even if there is some1 on A.S.P thats near you and has some free time maybe they can have a look!
all the best with it thou :D
Betadine is okay for scale rot, however I would use Silverzine.

It appears to me that the snakes' shedding oils have dried prematurely due to sitting on a surface that is too warm. When this happens, the new layer of skin can be pulled away with skin that is about to be shed.

All you need todo is keep the animal warm, and the affected area dry and free of debris. I'm not a fan of bathing reptiles.
Betadine is okay for scale rot, however I would use Silverzine.

It appears to me that the snakes' shedding oils have dried prematurely due to sitting on a surface that is too warm. When this happens, the new layer of skin can be pulled away with skin that is about to be shed.

All you need todo is keep the animal warm, and the affected area dry and free of debris. I'm not a fan of bathing reptiles.

Whats wrong with bathing reptiles with incomplete sheds? Just wondering if bathing has caused health issues?
Whats wrong with bathing reptiles with incomplete sheds? Just wondering if bathing has caused health issues?

There's nothing wrong with it. I do it with problem shedders, but when it comes to treating wounds, burns, scale rot etc, I prefer not to bath the animal.
exact directions given to me by Dr David vella. Nth Sydney Vet.
best you take it to a vet anyway..
im useing a thermostat (reptile one heat mat + probe thermo) and testing temps with a habistat dual probe thermometer.
okay well we will start the baths tonight. i was under the imprssion betadine was no good for scale rot, however ill trust you on it and give it a go. i assume i bathe her till the infection/damage clears up?
Although I am a fan of bottom heating snakes a heatmat may not be the best choice for a sick animal, or for this one with belly damage. Often sick animals fail to thermoregulate and in the case of belly damage circulation may be inhibited which slows the heat transfer to the whole animal. If I get a sick animal i use a cage within our heated room such that the whole cage is say 32C. The even increased temperature accelerates the animals metabolism and so, the rate of healing.
Well she is on the improve gave her a small feed about 4 days age wich opened up a healing wound but it's closed without sign of infection. :) in the proccess of building her a new enclosure so I can stop useing heat mats for the time being ( my qurantien enclosure is being used ATM)
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