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....... I would ask a few questions on this exact website as it can be so informative at times, and try to rectify the problem before going to seek expensive vet visits.

I agree to this to a certain extent. And I have done this, too. I mean, every situation will be assessed according to its own urgency but not everything requires veterinary attention. I rushed 2 of my snakes to a vet earlier this year in fear they had RI to have tests done to put them in the clear $200 later, plus petrol travelling 140km 3 times in one week. But then I had another snake that was definitely drooling so knew it needed a vet to get antibiotics, and knew this time I am not imagining things.

There are some very knowledgeable ppl on this site who can provide excellent advice on remedies, home treatments for different problems. 9 times out of 10 things can be rectified quite easy, but its that 10th time when things get infected, THAT is when you may need to consider seeking veterinary advice.
yeah i completely agree.
YES i could have rushed my snake off to the vet for him to charge me whatever he seemed reasonable to give the same advice i got off here to sort the little guy out.

If i was the author i would follow all the steps people have guidelined for him to get his snake on the way to better health.
IF, in 2 weeks time or a shed later, the scale rot is not any better, or is even getting worse, then by all means, get a personal loan or something and get to the vet asap.
yeah i completely agree.
YES i could have rushed my snake off to the vet for him to charge me whatever he seemed reasonable to give the same advice i got off here to sort the little guy out.

If i was the author i would follow all the steps people have guidelined for him to get his snake on the way to better health.
IF, in 2 weeks time or a shed later, the scale rot is not any better, or is even getting worse, then by all means, get a personal loan or something and get to the vet asap.
and some times vets are just needed from the start , as u just dont know how bad it is until its too late .......
A visit to my Reptile Vet costs a whole $22, not much when you consider the advice given is 100% correct & if something needs to be done it can be done straight away. You are also face to face with someone who has received years of training & has all the resources at their finger tips.
I can't think of a better place to learn & ask questions.
IMO, far better & more accurate than a forum.
THanks for the vet info. I understand that this seems like a simple 'Go to the vet' solution but I'm certainly not going to fork out a hundred or so dollars if it can be fixed by simply doing something I missed. I had planned to take him to a vet but after I had found the right vet (which was including in my opening post) sorry ignorance isn't bliss you can't just throw money on your problems. It is better to understand them.

umm, if a hundred bucks is more than u think ur snake is worth maybe u shouldnt have one,...
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these comments are all true judging by the thread about the poor guy who's 7month old bredli died of something he initially thought was scale rot.

If my reptiles showed any syptoms of being unhealthy or anything like that i would no hesitations take them to the vet, but for some people unfortunately its not always the case.
I have already spoken to 2 vets in SA about my reptile collection who are happy to help, as i needed this information before i got a crocodile endorsed on my licence.
I am taking my croc to get x-rayed very soon. i cant wait.

Another story i might add is i know a person who was given a snake with a very bad attitude by one of his dodgy friends, and since he knew i kept snakes asked if i wanted it because if i didnt he was going to let it go. obviously i took it in my possesion, and the snake was in a VERY bad way, it had half shed, sand all in its scales and in its mouth, hadnt eaten for months, hadnt been heated for months, and had just been living in an open top cardboard box with a bit of sand with no water for months. I didnt expect it to make the night.

NOW, some of you may have taken it straight to the vet, but this was not my snake, and i didnt really want to fork out the money for a snake that may end up dead anyway, so i read and read on these forums and over time have nursed it back to health, and now it is now my best feeding snake growing at a rapid rate.
I could have taken it to the vet for him to charge me for his advice, but i figured i may as well seek the help of hundreds of people who have hundreds of years of combined keeping experience, rather than some bloke who has a degree in vet nursing or whatever.
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yeah, i read the ythread about the 7 month old bredli just before this one too,...
I would say that each situation is different. When I took the hobby, I visited vet at least 5 times a year. I had only 4 snakes then and poor knowledge about herp keeping.
At present I have more than 70 animals and last time I have to visit vet is about 2 years ago with eggs problems.

Each situation is different, and experience have lot to do with the approach.
After years, I don't always agree with vet on course of treatment.

But that all aside, Any Member is in title to ask question here to seek advice with out personal abuse. That way the information on good husbandry and animal keeping can be spread out.

Stop scoring the points who is right and wrong and try to help in civil manner.
I vaguely remember a thread about a poor lass who had a baby olive python that was not in good shape.
She made numerous trips to the vet with all types of antibiotics and things to try, but the thing ended up dying anyway.
Not always the case, but it goes to show that even fully trained and qualified vets can make incorrect diagnosis. I suppose that statement can be multiplied tenfold if the vet is not specialized for reptiles, but has a look anyway.
I agree, but how can a 100% correct diagnosis be made via pics & observations made by a novice keeper posted onto a forum, no offence intended to novice keepers, but as Slateman correctly pointed out, experience is everything! Also, timing has a lot to do with it. If you leave an issue go for too long, it doesn't matter if a correct diagnosis is made by a reptile specialist or here on the forum, it has just progressed too far & there is no going back, the end is only a matter of time.
IMO, a far better chance of a correct diagnosis in most cases is made face to face with a reptile specialist vet. When you have enough experience that you can correctly dissagree with a vets diagnosis, I doubt that you will be posting help threads.
I agree, but how can a 100% correct diagnosis be made via pics & observations made by a novice keeper posted onto a forum, no offence intended to novice keepers, but as Slateman correctly pointed out, experience is everything! Also, timing has a lot to do with it. If you leave an issue go for too long, it doesn't matter if a correct diagnosis is made by a reptile specialist or here on the forum, it has just progressed too far & there is no going back, the end is only a matter of time.
IMO, a far better chance of a correct diagnosis in most cases is made face to face with a reptile specialist vet. When you have enough experience that you can correctly dissagree with a vets diagnosis, I doubt that you will be posting help threads.
when i got into this hobby i did check that i had a reptile vet local to me if i ever needed a vet. i didnt want to need a vet and then be looking. i believe in be prepared, and that also means having money to pay a vet to give my animals the best possible care.
i will try and help anyone that asks. ill give advise on what i think the problem is and its treatment. but i cant be 100% sure that im right, and will allways advise that a vet is seen. after all the vet is the trained expert.
i believe if you own animals you have a responsability to take it to a vet if it sick, just as you would if you had a child that needed a doctor. if you cant or wont take an animal to the vet or a child to the doctor should they be sick dont have either.
There is not right and wrong here. Each case is individual.
All I would like to say is, People have right to ask questions in this forum with out being abused.

If you don't like to help in proper manner, just don't reply at all.

Looks like you guys are going around the circles arguing if is right to use vet or not.
That decision is completely up to owner. If he don't use vet help, there is not much we can do. You can always recommend to go to vet. Some people can do better than that, they can recommend vet and also give advice what to do before the vet is able to see the animal. Like in this case of blister d.
Most of us give recommendation to use betadine treatment and move the animal to warm dry enclosure. Some of the better members here did exactly that and did not patronize the person asking for help.
I like to use my vet Terry Belamy, but she is available only 2 times a week. If I would be beginner, I would appreciate to get information what to do before my vet is available.
from someone who has just lost a lizard to this do these things, find a vet that will do a culture to determine the bacteria. in the meantime bedadine applied twice daily, higher temps in the enclosure (above 30c) kept on paper which is changed daily or more often if needed and Baytril! When you find out the bacteria you then treat it with the correct antibiotic for that bacteria. Unfortunately most bacteria are resistant to most antibiotics. If you love the animal, like I did, defiantely go to the reptile vet!
before i took on my reptile collection i sussed vets outs and found out if they have had experience in reptiles..would you buy a brand new holden/ford/toyota/honda/ or any other if the nearest certified dealer is 500klms away... its called a little bit of research... this is a forum where one can express there opinions and wisdom!! is it not??

say for instance you owned a snake for 5 years,thats 5 years to find a suitable vet!!! if in that 5 years your snake obtained an infection all of a sudden, wouldn`t you begin consulting a vet?? if i failed at healing a snakes infection it wouldnt be my last attempt!!!


I did not move to where I am by choice, I also called every vet in the local area and found only one that would see me. It wasn't until I went to them that I realised they just wanted my money and knew nothing about reptiles. It was a costly lesson and I now know that the closest reptile vet to me is a 200Km one way trip!
all i see is whinge whinge whinge, we are still in australia arnt we?? freedom of speach??? ishould be intittled to say what i want about what ever i want ,but then there is governing parties that think they are god and can rain down on members!! pfft maybe i should start up animal protect services! just like child protective services, when ever some one is not providing the proper care of there animal it taken from them,, welcome to opinion
IMO you're right on there, it's a free country and we have free speech, but there are rules on this forum and if you don't want to go by the rules don't bother reading it or answering in a non-constructive and abusive way. I thought the idea of this forum was to help others who have a similar interest in this fantastic hobby. There are many people that have never owned reptiles before that come on and ask questions, they deserve to be treated the same as you want to be treated. If people only want to get on here and abuse others, don't bother turning on your computer, it's a free country.
Manda ,I know where you are and it is a pain in the a.r.s.e to find a vet ...there is a guy on here that is a reptile catcher and carer( I think).. ..he may be able to help you out, if ever you are dealt with a worry about your snake/lizard most times it maybe just a simple thing and being not aware of how to treat or what it could be ,sends the panic alarm off ..His name is POGGLE ..and he lives in Nanango him ..anyway the closest REPVET is down on the sunny coast and it is a fair way to go if it turns out to be a minor problem speak to Pog he may be able to help you or agree with you that this is a vet visit ...
IMO you're right on there, it's a free country and we have free speech, but there are rules on this forum and if you don't want to go by the rules don't bother reading it or answering in a non-constructive and abusive way. I thought the idea of this forum was to help others who have a similar interest in this fantastic hobby. There are many people that have never owned reptiles before that come on and ask questions, they deserve to be treated the same as you want to be treated. If people only want to get on here and abuse others, don't bother turning on your computer, it's a free country.

Thank you.
Manda ,I know where you are and it is a pain in the a.r.s.e to find a vet ...there is a guy on here that is a reptile catcher and carer( I think).. ..he may be able to help you out, if ever you are dealt with a worry about your snake/lizard most times it maybe just a simple thing and being not aware of how to treat or what it could be ,sends the panic alarm off ..His name is POGGLE ..and he lives in Nanango him ..anyway the closest REPVET is down on the sunny coast and it is a fair way to go if it turns out to be a minor problem speak to Pog he may be able to help you or agree with you that this is a vet visit ...

This is reply with help. That is what we should be all about on APS.:)
Not sticking up for mods or admin here but can you imagine how long it would take them
to sort through each indavidual post on every thread?

This is why if you feel that a member has wrote an offensive post you can click on the little
red triangle at the top right hand corner of the offending member & report the post
for them to look over.
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