Scale rot?

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Almost Legendary
Oct 11, 2005
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Will get pics soon but i think my male coastal has scale rot. He damaged some scales a few months back when escaping from his side of the enclosure into the fems side and got a bit scratched up. Scales round that area are quite dry and there are patches where the scales are a dead brown color, sound like scale rot?. Will get him to the vet next week if needed. If the vet isnt needed what treatment can i give him?
No, doesn't sound like scale rot to me. Scale rot doesn't occur from scales being damaged. Even if the scales become somehow infected from physical damage, then it will still just be an infection - not true scale rot.

Scale rot is a temperature/humidity/hygiene issue.

How was the problem caused exactly? Was there a tight squeeze that caused the scales to snag, fold back or get grazed as the male escaped?
No, doesn't sound like scale rot to me. Scale rot doesn't occur from scales being damaged. Even if the scales become somehow infected from physical damage, then it will still just be an infection - not true scale rot.

Scale rot is a temperature/humidity/hygiene issue.

How was the problem caused exactly? Was there a tight squeeze that caused the scales to snag, fold back or get grazed as the male escaped?

it has chicken wire in the lid (i know its not the best) and when he escaped he squeezed between the divider and the chickin wire.

vet and antibiotics?
I personally wouldn't bother. A skin shed should fix the problem.

thats what i thought at first but not the scales have gone brown not to sure altho mayb just be purely because they are damaged, anyway uploading pics now

anyone confirm what it is and if its serious?
Does not look too bad. Does it look like it causes him discomfit
Hornet, are you certain these blemishes occurred from escaping, and definately weren't there beforehand? Judging by the pics it looks like scale rot that occurs when the snake spends too much time laying on a cold surface while being cooled (or maybe it happened from escaping but haven't healed as well as they should because of lower temps, thus becoming slightly infected?????). They still need to warm their bellies during winter. Make sure it has a warm surface to lay on and the blemishes should get better when it sheds.
nup definatly only after the damage from attepmted escape thesy appeared

I would be putting him on a course of Baytril, that is infected and requires treatment, scrap any cooling routines for that snake, warm it up, give the required injections (you will need a script). Be sure to massage the injection sites, as baytril stings and they often contract the muscles around the needle spurting the drugs back out the hole. Also alternate the injection site to mimimise the damage casued by the drug and needle.

One of my diamonds has a scale on the underside that is that brown colour, vet said nothing to worry about!
Looks a little like a mild case of a skin infection to me as well but still in the earlier stages. Try rubbing some betadine (antiseptic) lotion on it once a day for about a week; the snake may hate you for a few minutes, but the vet I go to swears by it (it's quite harmless to reptiles). Otherwise, something warm for him to lie on might help too. I would personally suggest it's a little too mild at this point for injections, but perhaps take him to a vet for a check-up.
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