haha this thread is hilarious!
I'll admit to a fair bit of fear when it came to removing my SW carpet from her enclosure.. she would be S bent up by the time the cage door was open (just a tiny bit cage defensive haha)- and i found i was already afraid before i'd even ventured past the glass, seeing her all bent up like that. So i started sort of..not looking. haha. I would check where she was, then reach my hand in nice and slow until i touched her lowest coil. I found that when she tagged me, it wasnt such a shock and i didnt flinch because i was expecting it, but couldnt see the action of it. It helped me anyway.
I'd definitely recommend a hook too though

and!- make sure you hold them regularly. When my SWtie was a bub, i held her every day for months and the biting slowly subsided. When i went on holiday to NY for a few weeks, my boyfriend continued to hold her and get her out, however when i came back it was like she'd forgotten me :/ She bit me 6 times in procession when i was trying to get her out the first day back

i thought at first i may have smelt extremely tasty or something, but that behaviour continued for a good few days until she began to calm down again.
You can also take a bit of care when approaching in the tank- approach from below if you can, avoid the neck area too

.. also, not sure if you feed your snake inside its enclosure. I've always taken them out and fed them in big plastic tubs- this reduces the chances of your snake thinking its being fed when you put your arm inside the enclosure and wake it up- always a good think imo. I've also found, and all my snakes do this, that as soon as they're placed inside a feeding tub, they go into what i like to call 'hungry mode' - where they go all still and hold their heads slightly elevated with lots of tongue action

its quite funny to watch, but it definitely puts them on hunting alert!
Good luck and perservere! Think of it as a trusting exercise.. they need time to get to know you and get used to you, and learn that when they're removed from their safe secure home they're not going to be harmed. Some snakes do stay snappy, but not many i think.