haha my SW used to hiss at me too!
I have to admit to something else... *shameful*... when my SW punctured me for the first time with her tiny little teeth i was really proud of her and took her over to my boyfriend and said in a horrible, gooey voice, "Show daddy what his clever little girl just did to mummy!!" revolting i know. But there is a weird sense of pride involved there...or at the very least fascination.. haha
I have to admit to something else... *shameful*... when my SW punctured me for the first time with her tiny little teeth i was really proud of her and took her over to my boyfriend and said in a horrible, gooey voice, "Show daddy what his clever little girl just did to mummy!!" revolting i know. But there is a weird sense of pride involved there...or at the very least fascination.. haha