Scared of Being Bit HELP!?

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haha my SW used to hiss at me too!

I have to admit to something else... *shameful*... when my SW punctured me for the first time with her tiny little teeth i was really proud of her and took her over to my boyfriend and said in a horrible, gooey voice, "Show daddy what his clever little girl just did to mummy!!" revolting i know. But there is a weird sense of pride involved there...or at the very least fascination.. haha
I must admit I will avoid getting bitten at all costs, as the strike shocks me and I don't like flinching (I don't like scary movies as I hate the jumps parts, but can handle horror like it's nothing LOL) but I haven't let that stop me from handling. I won't like it, but i will take the bite.

I got bitten on day one (removing 6 month old Jungle from travel click clack) and haven't been bitten since.

I think it's because I use a hook to get him out and he is normally on a shelf at the time. I find that snakes that are slightly cage defensive and more "zoomy" if touched, are actually a lot easier to get out than, say, a Bredli that moves slowly but clamps onto anything and everything it can find and won't budge HAHA (my poor partner, his Bredli does this and can often take 2 of us to gently tickle and upwrap him from his favourite branches!)

Using a hook and being swift, your 2 friends in getting a snake out without being tagged (well, most of the time, it's worked for me! One bite in 6 months from a juvi Jungle, I think I'm doing well!)
Thanks everyone. Ohh and Aussie-Pride i came un with a name, Narga
The way i got over my fear was, i went to my mates place who has a really snappy jungle, i just stuck my arm in the cage and let him have at it, it is really scary but now i need to get over my fear of feeding :p
my first snake i got was a hatchy jungle. got bitten about 20 times in the first 5 mins of holding him. took him about 4 months to settle down. now a year later he gives me no troubles at all.

joemal, that is hardcore as, worst i got was from my 2 meter coastal when i took her eggs away from here. it wasn't that bad tho
And remember too, some snakes never bite…I have a Murray Darling that has never once been aggressive, or even close to biting…you may have been lucky.

If you really want to find out, rub a rat over your hands. :)
And remember too, some snakes never bite…I have a Murray Darling that has never once been aggressive, or even close to biting

that is also true, i have a woma which is honestly to lazy to bite anything, infact someone left his cage door open overnight, and he didn't even try to escape!!! ultimate lazy
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