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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Sunshine Coast
I have a Spotted Python, had him for a few days. In the next year or so I would love to get a second snake, once I have experience with my spotty. Whats a good second snake? I'd love a colubrid!
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Best just to enjoy your new Spotted for a while then think of what to get next. You've only had him for a few days. Do lots of reading and research to help you decide.

But, the next option would either be a Coastal Carpet or Bredli. These pythons will only get big depending on how much you feed them. Spend the next 12 months looking after your spotted properly then look at getting something else.

The thing with snakes is that once you get one then getting more is a given. They're addictive!

Good Luck :)
I'm not getting a second for a while, over a year, maybe 2 years, but I'm just asking in advance so I can get as much advice as possible. Most internet guides are pretty useless, as if you search "Good snakes to keep as pets" it always comes up with UK and US pages with Ball Pythons (GOD I want one!!!) and King Snakes.
Brown Tree Snakes and Green Tree Snakes are probably the most common colubrids kept, but Slatey Greys and Keel Backs are also around. Colubrids arn't always easily available and are a little more work than most Pythons, well well worth the effort imo.
I heard Womas are good, but keeping the temperature right is hard. I love BHP's, if I got one of those my life would be complete :p
Brown Tree Snakes and Green Tree Snakes are probably the most common colubrids kept, but Slatey Greys and Keel Backs are also around. Colubrids arn't always easily available and are a little more work than most Pythons, well well worth the effort imo.
What's their temperment like?
cool. womas are beautiful. i heard they can be a bit food crazy though? are they too big for a child to handle (my 11 year old brother loves my spotty and would love to handle a woma)
They can, but so can any other snake. I have 5 adults and none of them bite, none of my snakes at all bite like that though.
Womas? no, not at all... you could handle my 7 foot BHPs no worries, let alone my 3.5 foot womas... depends on your confidence.... both are far easier than an angry Brown Tree Snake or a flighty fast Green Tree Snake..
hmmm i think womas would be alot better than a colubrid. would my brother be able to pick the woma up on his own? (he can pick up and handle my spotted easily he is very cautious and very aware that they have teeth, he isnt reckless)
get a black headed python, i have one and she is sooo cool. So so gentle and fun to watch. Great snake.
get a black headed python, i have one and she is sooo cool. So so gentle and fun to watch. Great snake.
I WISH! But isnt a Black head too big for an 11 year old to handle alone? If i dont let my brother handle it he'll murder me lol.
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