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Not so new Member
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA
Our MD has been very active tonight (inside his enclosure) and getting pretty excited when people walk past, which happens all the time, but tonight he looked like he was going to strike at the glass and instead turned around and suddenly bit himself.. THIS hasn't happened before, is it something we should be worrying about? He last ate on 22/10 so we don't think it's just hunger.. any help appreciated.
maybe he was itchy ?


my bearded dragon has done that before, accidently (he was trying to catch woodie on his tail)
No, no constricting :p
Haven't checked today jeramie85, but I will now, thanks.. he didn't have any on Sunday but you never know I suppose..
I dont think it would be a problem but i would keep an eye out for any signs of infection. A few of my snakes have done this before. I guess its one of those problems you can have if your a dumb animal like a snake :lol:

He would probably be pretty hungry so you could give him a feed.
I dont even think they realise that they are biting themselves they probably think something else is attacking them IMO.
is there a chance hes got the sent of another herp or animal on his body/tail where he bit...? or maybe hes just flicked his tail and didnt realise and bit too early
well from the sounds of things we don't have to worry too much, thanks everyone.. will keep an eye on him. no mites that i can see.
sorry tomatopaste.. no, haven't handled any others before/after him so i don't think that's the case
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maybe he was itchy ?


my bearded dragon has done that before, accidently (he was trying to catch woodie on his tail)

HAHAHAHAHHAAHA I don't know why that was so hillarious..but combined with the previous post, it made me laugh. :D
It happens

I've had them take a nip at themseves by accident a few times, no harm done.
I think it can happen when they are feeling punchy and in the mood to take a whack at anything that moves near them.
They just don't realize that it IS them.

*******Check out this little pig! *******
Only stopped because the umbilcus was there.


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