Setting up

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Oct 29, 2016
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Hi all,
I've been reading through the forums and other websites for the last few weeks in anticipation of getting my first snake.
I'm planning on getting an albino darwin python in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping to get some advice/clarification from people with experience on setting up my enclosure.

I currently have a standard 3ft aquarium tank (not previously used) that I'm modifying with mesh clasped covers to prevent escapes but allow for some fresh air

So far this is what I've determined from forums etc:
Enclosure - snakes will escape if they aren't secured (thus the modifications), also glass isn't great for temperature and snake stress - I will be inserting at least two sides of the stone foam backdrops (maybe three) to try to combat this a bit.
Lighting - seems to be differing opinions, most people don't believe UVB or lighting is necessary - because of this I was considering an LED set up in the hood of the cabinet above the tank for aesthetic purposes, these will be on a timer.
Heating - options include heat pads, ceramic lamps, heat cords, need a hot and cold side of enclosure - I've got a heat pad that probably goes for about 1/3 of the tank (maybe a bit less), which I am planning on attaching to the underside of the glass, I've been looking at ceramic lamps, is there a way to determine the required wattage other than guess and check? Do people change their wattage based on summer/winter? Also need to get a thermostat or rheostat to monitor temperatures and alter heating sources.
Substrate - many different options - I want to have a more natural looking enclosure so would prefer not to use newspaper, I've got local access to repti-bark and aspen mulch, also have cats so a kitty litter mix could be possible although again less natural looking
Other - I have 1 hidey hole at the moment, have been looking at getting a few more, I have some foam so was considering making some caves to attach to the background; I have a pretty solid water dish; some fake plants; and I'm going to grab some branches and water/bleach them for set up; I've also been considering setting up an automation/recording system with arduino as a bit of a side project.

I want to be sure I've got a safe/healthy set up before getting the snake, so would love some input, especially if I'm way off base.
"Mesh" is a bad idea - it acts like a cheese grater on snakes' noses when they focus on escape. A solid top with cupboard vents (available from Bunnings) is a much wiser idea.

Hi, welcome to the forums and reptile keeping!

here's a couple of changes i'd recommend;
Enclosure: glass aquariums really aren't the best for keeping carpets in IMO, they don't seem to hold heat as well as melamine, even if you do insulate a couple of sides. 3ft isn't going to be big enough for and adult, it could house a hatching or juvenile but not an adult. Mesh can also cause nose rub, as some pythons like to rub their snout on the mesh (as Jamie said). I'd strongly recommend getting a 4ft long by 2ft wide by atleast 2ft tall melamine enclosure, you can find them pretty cheap secondhand off Gumtree.

Lighting; 12 hours on in the summer/spring months, and reduced a couple of hours in winter/autumn

heating; I can't tell you too much about ceramic heat bulbs, but for a glass tank a heat mat will do the job, although the rest of the tank relies pretty much solely on ambient temps. Whatever heat method you use, a thermostat is a must, some heat pad you can buy with a thermostat attached. Most melamine enclosures come with one inbuilt.

Substrate; depending on the size of the snake, if it's not a hatchling or young juvenile, Kritters crumble (fine) works very well and looks very natural. Repti bark is quite large from memory, which could cause some issues if repeatedly swallowed. Aspen and kitty litter also works fine.

All your extras sound good, just make sure there is at least 2 hides, one on the hot and and one on the cool end, and your side project sounds interesting.

Hope this helps you out, good luck :)
Thanks for the advice guys, I've taken it on board. I'm definitely going to be upgrading my tank to a proper set up in about a year, but will stick with it while the snake is young. Very excited to get started!
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