Sex of Beardies

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Not so new Member
Apr 2, 2007
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Is anyone able to tell the sex of my lizards with these pictures?? Nearly two yrs old.
They are very nice invisible beardies you have there ;) Mine are much bigger than yours tho... But they might be a few months older... I would say the one on the right with the silver eyes is a girl, and the one on the left with the purple eyes is a boy...Very nice looking Invisibeardies! ;) :lol:

Sorry, must be bored lol
Usual ways you can tell if its a boy or a girl is by the size of the pre-anal pores, the size/general shape of the bulges at the cloaca i.e. one (or no) bump thingo or two, and there is a slight difference in head shape/size, oh and thickness of the base of the tail etc... I think they are the main differentiating factors... May have missed one or two... But yeh, most people go off the bulges...
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Oh... lol. Usually at a year old, give or take a couple months, you can definately tell, and thats the age most people feel comfortable at saying, but there are some people that claim to know the sex of the beardy when it is still a small hatchie (i.e. at the petshop they had a sign on the window of 4-12wk old - cant remember the exact age but it was in that frame - beardies saying "female sold" LOL! I personally thought this was the funniest and biggest joke I've seen to date in a petshop)
It really depends on the size of the dragon.. I have a 4month old that you can tell by her head shape and bulge that it is a girl.
True Robin, true, BUT you have the added benefit of being batman's apprentice ;) :lol:
Speaking of which, where is the little Lizard wizard? I thought he would have jumped right onto this one!:lol:
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