Sexing Frogs

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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South Australia
I have just gotten back with a Big, Fat Green Tree Frog from a local.

I am just wandering if there is any 'Sure-Fire' way to Sex these little water loving beasts.

All info would be greatly appreciated.
If its adult and male it will probably start croaking... mine certainly do and often... loud noises, music, replaying the call will often set them off...

Dont really have any sure fire method tho :rolleyes:
Males call, this should also expand there vocal sack on there throat do there throats are darker/baggyer than the females even when they are not calling, they tend to be a bit smaller than a female and during breeding season they will have nuptial pads on there "thumbs".
Ok, thanks for that, although it is difficult as I have no other Frogs to compare it with. Might have to send some my way meshe ;-)
Most of the differences are easier to pick in comparison, if you aren't practiced at it. The only one is the calling. Have you heard any noises at all?
Not sure if this helps either,
but last year when my frogs where mating, the Males croaked and croaked and croaked.
I recorded them one day and then played it back to them when they were quiet....and you guess it....they started up again.

I have attached some photos of my frogs in you can see the male is smaller than the female. (the frogs are exactly the same age).

I often read about little "nuptiles" that grew on the males feet to help them grip on. I could never see them.


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Turn some music up real loud near them and they'll start calling
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