shaking beardie

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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lismore nsw
my small baby beardie has been shaking had anyone got an explanation i have only found that it could be hypercalceation so far and am dosing her up on calcium
It's due to lack of calcium and UVB light. Give her both and she should come right in the next few days. Beardies need calcium regularly for the first 12 months while they're growing.
What type of uv light are you using? 2.0, 5.0 or 10.0? You need a 10.0 for proper health and keep giving her calcium with her food
I agree with other comments, up calcium and get a 10.0 uv tube that the lizard can get within 30cm of, with nothing like glass obstructing it. Shaking is often an early sign of mbd (metabolic bone disease).
10.0 uv ok no worries ill have to go get another one i think its a 5.0
it sits up on the top of a branch 30 mm from it so i hope its just a minor calcium def.
If u can get your little one out in the sun all day every day for the next wk, especially while u sort out your lights. A 5.0 & 30mm should've been doing the trick, so check that the hot basking spot is 40-44C - if it's not getting the right heat to digest the food properly, it can't then absorb the calcium. If not u need to up this by getting a bigger wattage basking light (if u give an idea on size of enclosure & air vents can suggest wattage needed)
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