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Not so new Member
Oct 1, 2010
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I have a 6month old diamond python; he shed about 2 weeks ago successfully but today his eyes have gone glazed & almost blue as if he's preparing to shed again..
has this happened to anyone else?
i'm sure whether to just let him go if he sheds again or get him checked out :?
Its not uncommon for some hatchie/juvies to shed every couple of weeks or once a month the faster they grow the more they shed nothing to be concerned about
Have had it happen with juvis..... once it starts coming a bit warmer the juvis just seem to grow like weeds
thankyou so much everyone :) really helpful! i was worrying over nothing..
Alvin my jungle is doing it to me long as they are eating and pooing and are relatively alert...(though when in shed they are a bit quiet and grumpy) then everything is fine :)
thanks again! he is fine, eating properly & is happy to be handled as usual.
except for being a little more flighty than usual, all seems to be well :)
Yup as stated all normal, my BHP has slowed down a bit now but she use to shed 2ce per month i thought it was weird but hey, she is growing lol
The more times hatchies-yearlings are fed,the quicker they grow,which means moe shedding...Perfectly normal...
I feed him a pinky mouse every 5 days; he is growing quite quickly but that doesn't phase me. i'm just happy thats normal for a juvenile :)
my spotted python has shed 3 times and hasnt had a good shed yet. every time he has shed it all breaks away at different sections and is not a neat, long strand. also he always gets the top of his body shed which leaves most of his underbelly with excess shed still attached. last time he shed he got it all off except a little bit under his belly. is he just a bad shedder or should i be worried?
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