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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2008
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hey guys, i just noticed today that my coastal carpet's eyes were a milky colour, and the rest of her skin was a dull colour. i know this means she is shedding, i just wanted to know how long will it take her to shed the skin. and i shouldnt handle her while she is doing this should i ? i did take her outside this morning for about 40 minutes, that shouldnt realy matter should it ? sorry for the probaly realy simple questions but i'v only had her for a month and i'm unsure of what to do. ;)
Your coastal will shed in the next 3 to 7 days.
Just leave it be until it dose, If you stress it at this time, it may have a messy shed.
I agree with Andyscott, just leave her alone at this time, if she goes off her food don't panic like I did the first time as some snakes don't eat coming into a shed. Some don't even deficate or urinate until after they shed.

My Coastal is like this, mind you she does it all in the one evening so I wake up to such a messy cage and it has to be cleaned straight away im my case anyway.

So good luck with the shed, hope it comes off in one piece and make sure it comes off her eyes and tail tip.:)
yea i noticed she went off her food a couple of days before i noticed her milky eyes. and she defecated on her food :| . what is a messy shed ? is that where it dosent all come off at once ?
My female bredli went milky about two weeks ago, and only shed two days ago. She held off going to the toilet till she shed and I'll tell you it wasn't a pretty sight :lol: (poo up the tub and all in her shed )

Yeah! You are right, a messy shed is when it doesn't all come off at once or in 1 piece, my carpets last shed was very messy, it was the first shed since I have had her and I had to buy some Shed Ease to help her. Soaked in water+shed ease for 40 mins then it just glided off her body so easily.

Soaking a 5ft 6in snake in water was trying to say the least but it paid off immensely.:)
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