He was small when I got him, 33g at 6months, now he's 103g with an empty stomach.
He had a belly ache for the first few weeks (Trichomoniasis), And did not have an appetite.
After the course of Flagyl, Wow, he's a different Snake. Now it's one flick of the tongue, bang!
I'm very happy with him and pleased how he's turning out.
Stunning collection Rick,Now thats a Real Hypo Kris,you cant get any better than that...Very nice indeed...Interesting to see how it looks in a year or two...AWESOME..MARK
Thanks guys for all the comments.
The last HYPO on the first post & the first Hypo on the second post are now just 6ft long & 3years old thats the colour they are going to stay. I will try and find some pics of them at a younger age when i get time, they were very nice. Love all the pics everyone bring on some more..............:lol: