Sick Albino

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
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Hey guys,
Just an update on the my little guy, it's 5:45am Thursday morning and he's in the middle of shedding. I'm not entirely sure as to whether this may have been the cause for his behaviour but I will let you all know if he's still yawning and clicking when breathing once he's finished shedding. I thought I might also ask, has anyone else experienced similar behaviour with their snakes when coming up for a shed (3 days of constant yawning every 5-30 seconds, puffing of the neck, and clicking sounds when breathing).
Ok another update. He started off with a complete shed until about 2/3rds of the way until it started coming off in flakes so I gave him a warm bath just the get the last of the tail section off. Now I'm really stumped because he isn't yawning (from what I saw when I was holding him) and is no longer puffing the neck.
I'm going to ring the vet this morning and see what he thinks, but what do you guys think? Yawning, clicking and puffing of the neck for 3 days straight seems like awfully strange pre-shed behaviour to me.... Opinions?
suspicous ????

it may well be him / her trying to get their shed released / started from the upper and lower jaw ....but l would be suspicous and the operative word is suspicous your rep MAYBE developing a suggestion is have a VERY CLOSE listen to the rep breathing over a 2-3 minute period......hopefully it will be just the shed / slough starting...cheers goodluck solar 17 [baden]
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Thanks for the comment solar17, just to bring you up to speed he was put on fortum injections on Tuesday by the vet for RI... He is due for another one today but I will call the vet before I give it to him. Have any of your snakes displayed similar behaviour in pre-shed?
shed / ri

hi haven,t but l have experienced RI in the past, may l suggest if you haven,t already jack the heat up to 32-33 and don,t let him / her get away from atleast 30c....goodluck solar 17 [baden]
Yeah cheers temps are 28-34 during the day and a heat mat underneath the enclosure at night (which he is staying on). Thanks

Ive spoken to a few people and first hand came in contact with a person who was in your SAME situation,
clicking while breathing, puffy neck, open mouth breathing...

in the end it was that the snake was indeed sheding and the nostrils (sp) had become a lil blocked from the shedding process, it also had a puffy neck, clicking, and open mouth breathing,
the open mouth breahting clicking and puffy neck all went away after the childrens python had shed, what had happened was the shed had caused the nostrils to flair and cause diffcult breathing for the snake so it caused open mouth breathing and a puffy neck, and once the shed had gone the clicking noise was the result of trying to breath through the shed filled nose..

anyway mate, she should be all right but still keep a good eye on her and give us a status up date kk.

Ive spoken to a few people and first hand came in contact with a person who was in your SAME situation,
clicking while breathing, puffy neck, open mouth breathing...

in the end it was that the snake was indeed sheding and the nostrils (sp) had become a lil blocked from the shedding process, it also had a puffy neck, clicking, and open mouth breathing,
the open mouth breahting clicking and puffy neck all went away after the childrens python had shed, what had happened was the shed had caused the nostrils to flair and cause diffcult breathing for the snake so it caused open mouth breathing and a puffy neck, and once the shed had gone the clicking noise was the result of trying to breath through the shed filled nose..

anyway mate, she should be all right but still keep a good eye on her and give us a status up date kk.

Thanks mate, I think that this could be exactly what has happened. I spoke to Nick (the seller) on the phone this morning and he said the same thing about the nostrils becoming blocked. I haven't been able to get a hold of the vet this morning to ask whether I should stop the injections but it looks like the little guy won't need them.
Out of curiosity, I paid $60 for the fortum injections (they gave me 4 weeks worth for some strange reason)... They're in the freezer so they keep longer (vet's instructions)... What should I do with them? Are they useless now or worth keeping incase there is a future case of RI?
I wouldn't be throwing them out. You never know what can happen. If it isn't taking up wanted space in the freezer I would definately keep it.
Hi seumas,i had a little coastal that was 8-9months of age.One night i noticed a bit of swelling under the chin which seemed strange as this has never happened to me before.That night it started shedding but only the head came off,and broke just passed the neck.I keeped a close on it,the swelling was still noticable in morning,the snake was still active etc.That next night it shed the rest of the skin and by the morning the swelling was completely gone.I hope your fella is all good..
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