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Not so new Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Have an adult coastal about 2metres
Was very sick when I got it {I knew she was very sick}
Last fed March 2008

Blowing bubbles
Very conjested
Dry flaking skin etc etc
Vets first reaction was Put Her Down
Stayed with vet for a while
On baytril injections every three days
Cleared most conjestion
No more improvement at vet so took her home
Variable temperature habitat
Finished Baytril injections myself
Last shot 30/10/08
Being kept in strict quarantine
taken outside every couple of days for sunlight and relaxation
feels strong but hollow belly
Skin looking good
Very alert
Bit snappy but not if I talk to her before handling
Very friendly once taken outside

Still not interested in feeding on fresh killed rats or mice
Will not risk live rats
She is large enough to eat Guinea pigs
What risk is there leaving GP running around bottom of enclosure?
She has three levels she can access
Maybe PM daniel1234 about this, he was in a similar situation with one of his coastals and may have some tips.
With all the injections, going back and forward to the vet, and being taken out of her enclosure every few days, she is probably very stressed.

What temps is your enclosure running?

I would get the hot end up to 32-34 degrees and leave her alone for at least a week with no handling at all, and then try her again.
Have left her totally alone for a week now
Still no interest in live or dead mice or dead rats

Active enough at night
Bathing then seeking hot spots etc

Not looking like shedding

Habitat is on three levels

Bottom level remains close to outside temperature with cooling fan approx 18C evening 28C day Good Front and Fear ventilation
Contains bath etc
Second level has heat rock maintained approx 25C Only ventilation up to next level
Top level Lights and refracted heat around 31C most times
She spends most days in centre level 25C approx
Most nights in bottom level
Very rarely goes into top level except immediately after bathing
All levels contain hides and climbing branches and drinking water

I am starting to worry about time factor since last feed
Try day old chickens and if she is really underweight inject it with mutton bird oil, that will put a little bit of size on. Alternatively, dip the head of the rat in mutton bird oil, egg white or even chicken stock. All have worked for me.

Why not ry contacting a local hatchery and seeing if you can try quail instead. Quails seem much better than day old chicks, I have found the chicks cause diarrhoea where as the quails make the snakes turds much more solid and puts alot of size on the animal. My large coastals eat a variety of rabbits, quails and rats.
Guinea pigs can still bite and leave a nasty wound. If you're not risking a live mouse I wouldn't risk a live GP for the same reasons.
From her feeding records has been fed exclusively rats and mice

Definitely big enough to eat a guinea pig

What risk is there in leaving a live guinea pig in the habitat?
{There is no access between levels unless you are a snake}

Will contact hatcheries Monday
Still not interested in feeding on fresh killed rats or mice
Will not risk live rats
She is large enough to eat Guinea pigs
What risk is there leaving GP running around bottom of enclosure?
She has three levels she can access

Same risk as for rats.
With all the injections, going back and forward to the vet, and being taken out of her enclosure every few days, she is probably very stressed.

What temps is your enclosure running?

I would get the hot end up to 32-34 degrees and leave her alone for at least a week with no handling at all, and then try her again.

My thoughts exactly, but until the snake has had a feed i wouldnt handle the snake AT ALL unless it is absolutely necessary. I would also cover the enclosure up a bit with a sheet so the snake feels more secure.... might help....
Its mainly the time factor that is starting to worry me
When habitat is covered she shifts levels to see whats going on
So she is happy enough there
But totally uninterested in eating
Have you excluded the presence of internal parasites with a faecal assessment by your vet?
Alternatively, dip the head of the rat in mutton bird oil, egg white or even chicken stock. All have worked for me.
Thats a good idea, I've heard scenting with tuna from a can or a pilchard from the baitshop can work wonders too. Maybe give that ago longte?
salebrosus had some good advice mabey you should talk to the vet a bout doing that but i WOULD NOT risk a like guinipig
PM recieved and replied to.
Please be aware that this is a forum and experiances vary.
Any advice given is only good if it works. Even those who have been doing this for years may never have had any major problems or ones realative to your own. I have pm'd a couple members with questions who have given an honest "I don't know" answer even though they deal with snakes/wildlife as part of their occupation. A way that I learn is to contribute to discussion but for that reason I am often way off track and hopefully some one pulls me up and I can correct or clarify my replies. If we knew everything about herps before getting started, we would never get started.
I have an experiance, that was quite a reasonable one I think, but it is only one of this nature. If this was to happen again, yes I would do it differently. Then I would have just two experiances.
Be carefull who you trust and enjoy the ride.
Bonnie is doing well, eggs are not looking promising, but Bonnie is doing well. Here is the link to their story.
OK excellent news
Left a box with 2 mice in her habitat
[She could smell mice but not get at them]
Showed no interest for 2 days
Tried her with fresh killed rat 17/11
Sniffed it but no strike in any form
Smeared rat scent around cardboard box and left it in habitat for 2 hours
Offered her a still twitching rat
Struck like a beauty
Scoffed it down happily
Refused second twitchy rat
24hrs looking content and coiled in 25C area of habitat
No signs of regurgitation etc

Hopefully on her way back
Thats great,try and leave her for a few days without disturbing,now she ate one,their might be no stopping her to eat now.Hopefully she will eat everytime its offered,best of luck....
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