Sick little turtle

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2006
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Hay guys,

Ive got a sick little eastern long neck turtle. Ive had them (ive got 2) little fellas for about 6-8mths now. Suddenly in the last 2 days 1 little guys health has rapidly decreased. Both have what i believe to be a type of fungus or bacteria (white small patches on neck, feet etc). Also 1 little guys shell has become serverly soft especially at the tail and belly. This 1 is alot smaller than the other one even though they were the same size when bought. The other just has the fungus and is eating like theres no tomorrow, but the smaller sick one isnt eating at all. Its really like he has no strength. Ive had them in a sulfa turtle dip, and now theyre in a betadine solution dry docked under a good UV light. I will be doing this 2-3 times a day. Im keeping them seperate (they usually live with sawshells). What are your suggestions. Thank You!
vet, all i can think of is fungus or bacteria as you mentioned
Thats my thoughts. Looks like turtle 1 (the really sick one) wont make it after all - hes on his last breathes i believe. Turtle 2 looks pretty good though, a little bit of fungus/bacteria but ive turtle sulfa dipped him, dry docked him with betadine, and now theyre in a tiny tank (1ft), with a good filter, heater, landing to rest on), with a strong UV light on them, turtle waste cleanser in the water and fungus ade in the water. No much more i can do. The 2nd little one should be fine i think, hes still eating like mad and swimming around, hes alot bigger than the 1st one, which really only happened over the last 2 wks, indicates he was on the verge of being sick (as he ate alot aswell). Anyone elses suggestions?
Thats my thoughts. Looks like turtle 1 (the really sick one) wont make it after all - hes on his last breathes i believe. Turtle 2 looks pretty good though, a little bit of fungus/bacteria but ive turtle sulfa dipped him, dry docked him with betadine, and now theyre in a tiny tank (1ft), with a good filter, heater, landing to rest on), with a strong UV light on them, turtle waste cleanser in the water and fungus ade in the water. No much more i can do. The 2nd little one should be fine i think, hes still eating like mad and swimming around, hes alot bigger than the 1st one, which really only happened over the last 2 wks, indicates he was on the verge of being sick (as he ate alot aswell). Anyone elses suggestions?

take to vet with a sample of water. but you sya they are now under a strong uv light were they always under a strong uv light, and if they were this may jsut be a series of events, the fungus or bacteria may have reduced the small guys health and their for he feels liek ****e. and when he feels like ****e he doesn't eat, or feel well enough to climb up to sun himself. therefore there is no calcium intake and there is no calcium absorption and his shell goes soft and averythign else happens that hypocalciemia causes. so suggestions are take it to the vet with a sample of the water preferably the water they were living in befor eyou switched them to a small tank with fresh water. but i'd take some of that to. and while your doing that i woul dtake the little boy out of the water a put him outside in the sun for a while. that way hes already out of the water and he will be getting uv rays as soon as he sticks his head out.

but yeha tell us how it goes i wish you luck

get a fungicide, use aquarium salt in your tank and totally change the water. Start giving them access to sunlight. Unless your UV us less than 300mm from the basking areea it wont work. The temps for them may need to lower than the sawshells though if they are from local stock it shouldnt matter.
Try sending a pm to michael (easternsnakeneck) or Craig(Exspansa)
I found that the UV tube that was on them has been splashed since the last time i thoroughly checked on them all (about a week ago), so the tube wouldnt have been working for a 7-10days which might explain. The little guys were always on the dock under the light though and it was only about 200 away from the dock.

Yesterday - Ive got them in a 1ft tank with a few inches of water a landing to bask on and theres fungus ade, turtle clean, aquarium salt and a good filter in there aswell as a heater. Ive got a new Uv tube and a new light for them while there in there little recovery tank and they are only 150cm or less away from the UV light so thats not a problem. I am dry docking them twice a day in betadine (for the fungus), and also theres in a turtle fungus bacteria sulfa dip for an 1-2hrs a day.

Just wanted peoples opinions, honestly i dont think a vet would be much help, Im treating them at the moment (read above), ive helped breed turtles twice before, and have come across similar problems, just not together. Ive contacted expansa1 before about a slightly similar problem and he had the same method as myself -which is good. I believe its calcium deficiency from the light being splashed (my brother fed them and didnt put the lid back i found out - it was behind the tank), and fungus which lowered his strength and ammunity. Just wanted some opinions and suggestions, and your all pretty much on the same level as me - which is great lol. Anyway Im about to check on the little guys, ill keep you updated - its such a sad thing!
Little turt 1 (Umi - meaning little one) didnt make it.

The 2nd litlte one is looking good though. Fungus is not progressing it looks like its clearing a little bit. Atm hes in a turtle sulfa dip (for infections, fungus and bacteria) for a few hours with a strong UV light about 10cm away from him. He will be back in his little tank tonight with theUV light back on him. Salt in the water with fungus ade. Hes eating well and swimming around like normal so thats good.

RIP my little Umi!
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