Size crix for baby dragons????

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AussiePythons Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2008
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South West Victoria
Hi all, Ive been looking at getting some bulk crix for when my beardie eggs start hatching to give them some variety along with the roaches I'm breeding.
On the the ARC website, you can buy them at varying sizes from 1day old to adults.

Q. What size cricket would be best suited to feed hatchling dragons (central's)

Start of with pinheads which would be the one day olds & as the beardies get bigger move them up to smalls. The general rule is that you shouldn' t feed them anything larger than the space between their eyes.
Pinheads? A newly hatched beardie should be eating something bigger than pinheads, you are flat out seeing the one day olds they are that small.

General rule is to go by the space between there eyes, which is probably small crickets.
The size you buy in the shops as pin heads are aprox. ARC 10 day olds. The smalls are aprox. ARC 20 day olds.

If you go to the ARCADE online and have a 5 cent, 10 cent and 20 cent piece compare them to the equivalent photos for size.

One day old's are smaller than ants.
Thanks guys, im glad you cleared up the pinhead different size issue. I thought the pinhead size you buy from the shops were bigger than the ARC ones.

Ive never seen a baby beardy in the flesh, so what is the size of the space between the eyes, I have heard this before as a general rule, but what would this actuially equate to???

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