It is Mutton Bird Oil Pugsly.
As Codered and Hazzard have already said, Skaarfing is not having a go at Shane at all, he is a well known keeper and has been successfully breeding them for many years.
Too many people believe that power feeding is bad, but don't really understand the term. Some believe if you feed an animal a meal a week it is over feeding them. Like those that say 'only feed after they craap', and only feed every 3 or 4 weeks. Feeding every 3 or 4 weeks may be fine for some adults, all dependant on the food size. However, the term Skaarfing is in direct relation to hatchling/juvenile snakes, not adults. You can feed them or 'Skaarf' them while they are young and they jujst grow, there is no proven scientific evidence that proves it is detrimental to there health, if there is, I would like to see it. So a certain University is undergoing such a study over a 3 year period to see what the effects are of A) not Skaarfing, B) Feeding "normally" and C) Skaarfing.
So Skaarfing means to feed your snake every 3,4 or 5 days a large meal, that being like 30% of body weight as a rough estimate. Not like people who have a 18 month old maccie that is still eating pink rats and is being fed one a month and getting 2% of body weight.
Hope that helps a little.