So i just got my corn snake a new 40 gallon, but non of the pet stores around me carry screens or tops for the tank, so im trying to find one online, but until then i needed something to close the tank so I made a makeshift screen out of some kind of metal mesh, so after i placed it on her tank i put about 5 pounds of weight on it (so she wouldnt be able to push the top off and free her self, but she managed to do it anyway) so tonight when I got home, I noticed she was trying to get out, and in doing so, her head had gotten caught in the corner of the mesh, and tore some skin on her neck. I feel terrible, and i dont have any kind of special reptile antiseptic, just some cream and ointment i use for minor scrape, cuts, and burns. shes full grown, and had just eaten a few hours ago, and i think shes going to shed within the next week. The tear is about 1/2 an inch, i can see flesh, i have no idea what to do PLEASE HELP US. Im going to take her to the vet first thing in the morning, but for now i dont know what to do with her