Smash It - High Speed Filming

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Great vid's, I love your pup coming down the stairs :)I would love to see a spider spining it's web;)
I've tried using USB adapters and doubling to 10m - but unfortunately it does not work and there seems to be no way around that.
USB have a maximum length of 3 to 5 meters ( but I suspect you already know that )USB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The big news on the camera hack is that the script can be stored on the flash device within the camera. For my purposes you could write a script that starts when motion is detected and, while motion is detected, take a photo every x seconds. Combine with a gorilla grip tripod and a birds nest for feeding photos, basically it would be a trail cam. You could also use it to monitor doorways. I'm sure there are newpaper 'worthy' uses for it too :twisted:

When will Canon, Nikon and Olympus release high speed video in the DSLR range?

I don't mind about the low sized pictures at 420FPS - they're ample enough to see what's going on. But the lack of a good lens is really making it a struggle!
The problem is properly the bus architecture (moving the data from the collector to the flash memory) and the flash memory speed ,both a slow in computer terms. Image data sizes are exponential to resolution, 800 x 600 res = 48,000 pixels, 1600 x 1200 is 1,920,000 pixels, 3000 x 2000 (the approx resolution for a 5mg camera) = 6,000,000 pixels so moving a large image is a lot more work than a small image. Then there is the colour resolution, and the compression ( if used) etc,etc. All will be overcome in time.

Bumble bees look like blurry black smudgey flying bricks!
Best you could do would be really good light or build setup 2010 - a set on Flickr

I also noted that using my hammer to smash things called for some concerns when people first started to watch the water balloon video with my daughter in it.
If I was her I would be more worried about my parents saving the "lips" sequence for her 21st Birthday party.
Great vid's, I love your pup coming down the stairs :)I would love to see a spider spining it's web;)

A spider spinning its web will require time lapse, a trained spider and a different camera or set up like how Fuscus describes :)

However, I am happy to smash through a spiders' web with a hammer when they build one in a place that would suitably allow for that!!!

The problem is properly the bus architecture (moving the data from the collector to the flash memory) and the flash memory speed ,both a slow in computer terms. Image data sizes are exponential to resolution, 800 x 600 res = 48,000 pixels, 1600 x 1200 is 1,920,000 pixels, 3000 x 2000 (the approx resolution for a 5mg camera) = 6,000,000 pixels so moving a large image is a lot more work than a small image. Then there is the colour resolution, and the compression ( if used) etc,etc. All will be overcome in time.

Best you could do would be really good light or build setup 2010 - a set on Flickr

If I was her I would be more worried about my parents saving the "lips" sequence for her 21st Birthday party.

Hey Fuscus - Yeah, I was aware about the 5m length, but I thought seperating it with a powered (plugged in) adapter would overcome this. But apparently not.

As for the data collection - if you see the size of the Casio I have, it doesn't have a huge amount of room for any flashy drives etc. I am positive, although quality may be lower in pixels, that any DSLR could actually incorperate high speed filming, even at lower resolutions.

The better lenses will most definitely overcome the issue of low res.

Good light is the only thing that I am sometimes missing. Also - the camera does not have manual focus when in movie mode. It means my zoom is only as good as my arm length!

My daughter... Oh... I can surely embarrass her no matter what for her 21st :) She's got it coming!!!

The 'lips' thing - is a raspberry. I'm going to get her to do a new one soon :)

I haven't done anything at 1000FPS yet, but I look forward to it - albeit very low res!

This is the Casio camera:

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That's pretty awesome. Can't wait till I get the budget that Discovery has :)

Oh yeah! Nero!

Love the stuff! The song I am using is Ajapai - Incoming (there's two mixes). I decided to use just one song... Because I can make it fit - seemingly well sometimes (check the soft toy Smash It) and when the soft toy finally keels over...


I think it just fits in perfectly :)

Unfortunately, despite smashing the hell out of that soft toy, Hillary the Happy (but slightly species confused) Homophobic Hippopotamus (or short necked giraffe), I couldn't really damage it.

She was designed to be eaten by my puppy... Which he successfully did and ruined her. So now she just sits there waiting to be smashed some more :)

lol I think your right it does seem to have a gender and species identification issue poor Hillary/Harry the Hipporaffe ;)

PMSL love the squeeky at the end gold.
Oh, I forgot about this time lapse....

Filmed in Cairns :)


A new sash it - a bit of a fail - tomato going up soon... :)
gee enough toads! :shock:

Pretty simple set up really tassie... 100W light bulb attracting bugs.... Cairns.... (only a few km from where the toads were first released in fact)... And... You have yourself a toad fest!

Tomato Smash It (I think this one is a bit of a fail really - but it's there!)

wow that is so awesome !
god when it got to the poo bit it was so clear i could even smell it :(
Awsome stuff, really interesting.

It's a shame your across the ditch and have no snakes, filming some strikes in high speed would be awsome.
I've done a couple more - but I'm still working out whether I'll add the 'firework' one - it wasn't as good as hoped!


There is some good footage of the fireworks spinning out of control - but sashing them with a hammer did nothing :(
G'day Sir, it's Zak MacDougall.

Lovin' the videos!

Zac Mac.... Well... How about it then... What you doin?

Owning yourself some snakes???

The latest smash it... A firework.... Hmmmmmm..... Adventurous???


I know, it offered so much and delivered onlt part of what was expected, but I like it!
That smashing of the banana scares me. I get threatened with that at least once a week by the Mrs..
A much less threatening video - taken from the beach - (includes Piri the dog):


Also - just to prove that macro isn't wonderful at high speed, but I wished it was... Here's a bumble thing doing its thing... Piri the dog was not featured in this video.

Another new one: Piri the dog doing his shake...


Note - he's not that wet, because he doesn't like getting his belly wet, therefore his back stays dry too!
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