smelly PLEASE help

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2008
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hey everyone

Just wondering if anyone can recommend anything to stop a smelly tank?
my baby blotchies are STINKING the house out and i have no idea why??
i have changed there substrate to plain old newspaper so i can change it every day in the hope that this helps but its not......

is there a deodorizer or anything else anyone can recommend? if this smell keeps up i recon im gonna be kicked out of the house lol
i use F10 on everything, deodorizer, hand wipes, general cleaning, i suggest that. it works well
try using kitty crumble as a substrate.... its stopped my blues from smelling... its highly absorbent and completely natural... plus they love to bury themselves in it
They smell nasty... out of all my animals, it's the bluey's that'll stink you out. Follow the suggestions as far as substrate and stopping the smell goes but I use a small scent disperser (it's a little jar with sticks poking out the top... not sure what they're called) to make the place smell a little better and it doesn't, and has never, harmed any of my animals.
its weird coz none of my other have ever smelt funky!!

thanks lady j , im gonna grab one today
Breeders choice for sure i have used it for years its a bit expensive but well worth it
yeah, my baby blotchie smells worse than any other animal i've ever had, and that is saying something! Breeders Choice is good, a bit expensive but you don't have to use the whole bag (depending on how big the enclosure is) and it lasts longer than other things i've tried
I use peanut shell which is

1. cheap, you can get it from most garden shops.

2. helps with shedding as it is rough to help descaling.

3. they love to bury in it.
clean with f10, that will take out the smell!


Skinks... they just stink. Haha, I can clean my enclosure and my animals and they still smell bad the day after all my trouble, I just use a few air-fresheners (nothing harsh) and spot-clean all the time (ie. before they can walk through their poop!). :p
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