Snake Bathing??

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Not so new Member
Apr 17, 2010
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Hey guys my bredli is quite smelly and i wondering if there is anyway of bathing her or cleaning her some how..... Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks Cam.
You can just bathe them in tepid water. You probably also want to consider working out why it smells. Snakes don't smell unless they are crawling through their own crap on a regular basis
yeh she smelt cause of a poo i found hiding behing a branch. i had to pretty much climb into the enclosre to find it. It all clean now so i just wanted to clean her up. thanks
If youa re going to bathe her just be careful of he water temp...another quick way is to use a damp towel and just get her to keep crawling through it till she comes out clean :)
if you want her to smell nice you can rub some sorbolene for sensitive skin onto your hands and as you handle her she will smell nice and it will moisturise her skin as well as is one of my fav things to do.
warm water no hotter than the hot end in a tub and a face flannel mate, let it slide through the your grip cleaning itself :)
thanks peps ill keep that all in mind and ill give it a go. and fantazmic my fiance is very keen to try the moisturiser trick thanks....
The use of a damp towel works well for my male coastal, I used to bathe him but he hated it. It depends on the individual snake, yours might love it, my water python certainly doesn't shy away from a swim ;)
thanks peps ill keep that all in mind and ill give it a go. and fantazmic my fiance is very keen to try the moisturiser trick thanks....

Hmmm.... what goes on behind closed doors should stay behind closed doors! ;)
yeh i was a bit iffy about bathing her cause i have never seen her anywhere near her water bowl, let alone swim in it lol. i think the damp towel is the best way.

haha nice darkhorse........
I always feel the risk when bathing is if they go underwater....they might get water in their lungs.......I think the towel is the safest....I also think the moisturiser idea is a good idea in terms of making sure you dont smell of food I think it helps to eliminate they making a mistake and giving you a bite...i mean i could be wrong but they are very smell orientated so if you hands have a certain smell about them and they know that means outies......then thats a good thing
i think im going to try the wet towel idea on my little childrens.he seems to be having a bit of an icky shed at the mo.don't know why,his last one was fine.i have upped his meal size so that's what im putting it dwn too.
hey not trying to steal thread i was actually wondering the same thing about bathing, the towel idea seems real efficient, but im curious about the moisturiser what exact type do you use and is it safe for the snake?
I know this thread is old but I had to comment as I was looking for a way to bathe my snake, I have had a migraine and didn't go into his enclosure for a couple of days and he had done a massive poo in his warm hide and now he smells so bad! I bathed him once and he let out a massive hiss as soon as he hit the water so I take that as him not being a big fan... Will try the wet towel idea.
When charlies eyes cloud over, i fill up the bath with warmish water and toss him in ;) let him slither around for a minute or so.. then take him out.. and place him back in his tank.. he loves it!! well.. he hasn't told me he hates it :p8)
This is funny, I just took my imbricata out today onto the lawn, he poos on cue, and when he poos he actually lifts his tail away from the poop as he slithers off, no mess, no fuss, no smell ;)
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