Snake egg problem

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Not so new Member
Jan 12, 2012
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I currently have a clutch of 25 carpet python eggs in my incubator.
I noticed tonight that some of the eggs have developed dark purple type patches on them, only one patch and not on all of the eggs, it is almost like the shell of the egg is becoming see through if that makes sense.

The eggs have been separated and are lying on a 50/50 mix (by weight) of vermiculite, containers are sealed with 4 small holes, one in each corner for air transfer, the incubator is keeping the temperature at 30.8 degrees celsius. I weighed the containers when they went in and weighed them again tonight, they have lost about 30grams but the bedding still looks damp. The eggs are still a good size and shape and except for the patches are a good white colour.

I am wondering is the patches are forming where the eggs were joined together when laid, there did not seem to be any problems separating them and none were torn during this process

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated


It sounds like an internal fungus. You should not of seperated the eggs if the were clumped together, they should of been left in a clump and all would of hatched fine and most likely and this would not of happened.
When you pull eggs apart that are stuck together it makes the egg shell thinner in that part and you lose the protective outside layer which in turn gives an easy place for mould/fungus to enter.
Not sure if this helps because it comes from a guide to dragons book. In it mentions ' Windows' on eggs due to decalcification of the outer shell. The book says sometimes you can even see the embryo but hatchability is not usually affected.

Thought I'd mention it, might help you with researching what is up with your eggs

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get some tinea powder from the chemist and dust the fungus spots with it, but teah, should've jeft them clumped together. good luck
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Not sure if this helps because it comes from a guide to dragons book. In it mentions ' Windows' on eggs due to decalcification of the outer shell. The book says sometimes you can even see the embryo but hatchability is not usually affected.

Thought I'd mention it, might help you with researching what is up with your eggs

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I've read the same thing in one of my python books and if you candle the egg, you should be able to see fairly clearly whether or not the the egg and it's occupant are ok and if you've had clutches before you've probably done this, I do, can't help myself and it's amazing seeing that little heart beating, so you know how they should look :)
Definitely candle the egg and have a look. The eggs will be thinner where you separated them, but this doesn't usually have a negative effect. In my limited experience, the only egg I have had which developed fungus was one which died (you can tell by candling with an LED torch). I was incubating in a clump, so cut it away and dusted with tinea powder. The rest hatched fine with no sign of mould on the neighbouring eggs. I now separate and incubate with no issues. The eggs don't normally get patchy looking until hatching, and only after the young start emerging.
Thanks every one for your help, it is greatly appreciated
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