Snake Eggs Dying????

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
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Hey all,

I Require some help with my Coastle Carpet Clutch. Heres the Situation: 27 Eggs laid on the 10/12/08. All Fertile and looking great. Over the last few weeks the eggs have started to die off, Going greenish then with a hint of yellow and pink and eventually collapsing in. I am trying a new method of incubation by drilling holes into the container and topping up the humidity once a day or as needed using the 1:1 ratio of vermiculite and water. Humidity ranges between 80-90%. Is there anyway i can save the rest of the clutch?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.

Cheers Luke
There in one of those Havabator Incubators ( Cost me $100- a few years ago). Temperature is fairly stable in the incubator around 30 degrees C, give or take a degree.
Yes i candeled them on thursday ( keeping it Breif so they eggs dont overheat). All of them have little snakes in them. I just cant work out why they are starting to die off.....
Yes the Eggs are Clumped. Gozz- my camera is not working atm. They look like the stimmi thread with the baby snake in the rotten egg.
Sounds too wet if they are going green. If the eggs are plump you dont need to add more water.
I agree with CodeRed, particularly as you say you've been topping up the humidity each day, they're probably too wet. Remove the eggs from the tub/mix, and put them in a new, dryer mix of vermiculite.
If one egg dies and its attched to other eggs. Can it spread to good viable eggs? As soon as the eggs die i remove them from the incubator and dispose of them.
ok will try a new mix and see how it goes. will let you all know.... thanks guys and gals.

Cheers Luke
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