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..I've never heard a snake hisssss like she does.:shock:

i heard my first snakey hiss a while ago,..!!

Loki was exploring around the back shed @ something startled him, was surprisingly loud and menacing,.....!!!!
midnight you like the game "russian rooooooooollette!!!" mmm i think next time maybe you should enquire like "whats is the bag???" before you put your hand in it ......
My son got a NT carpet hatchy. Got her home and left her to settle for a couple of hours in her little take away container, then switched her to her tank. Been a long hot day and expected her to be upset and I got my first bite (if that's what you call it) gave her a week to settle and my son got her out again. He had chew marks from his wrist to his elbow. She didn't release on a strike, she hung on and chewed. After that she'd hit the glass so hard that her teeth were breaking. My son is a beginner so we swapped her for a spotted. This one has manners.
Maybe, see in the future.... Im more likely to be hit by a car with my brilliant observanty skills. Duh.....What??
I am immune to the shiny, i just tend to daydream all day to cope with sitting bored at work all day. But i dont have the ability to switch it off when i need to, such as driving, cooking etc, never chopped a finger off tho, had some close calls hahaha. Im like homer, "you got my undivided attention" la la la.... Blank.

well have you seen homer drive the bed well thats much like me on my way to work sometimes dont know how i get here but i always do glad my car has autopilot
Mine too! Thats when it starts on the rare occasion..... Sometimes auto pilot doesnt work and i end up at the shopping centre or the movies, or the pub rather than work, o well, boss understands that im a idiot its ok.
yeah right so ya saying when auto pilot dont work it takes ya there hmmmmm strange as when mine works it takes me there only when i do something wrong it takes me to work lol

and yeah same well actually i work for my olds so they know what kind of son they have hehehehe
Well im not related to the boss, but its a tattoo shop so no-one expects any better, everyone shows up hungover or late etc.
Actually im working really hard right now, if you can believe that...
Yeah sure, id love to be actually doing something right now, i dont get paid when sittin around. But i earn $100 a hour when actually working....
wow not bad at all i get $80 an hour when i DJ but sadly enough there only 2 nights i can do that a week lol so im stuck here for the rest of the week

so i take it your a tatoo'ist then noice job i bet its interesting do you do any piercings???
No peircing, no like peircing i tend to want to stick them in the wrong spot to make em squeel, haha.
And no, it gets boringer every year, just like any job....
ahhhh yes i have a little beauty called "the devil" he is a 2yo jungle python and boy is he quick

i have been tagged by him a few times seems to like the taste of human over rat so he better calm down abit befor he gets bigger. Some times if you listen really carefully at night you can hear him plotting my dimise he keeps trying to raise this snake army but luckily none of my other snakes will have a bar of it

That funny - but aren't they quick - she bit the rat and let go and with in a split sec she had me - my little finger has gone black with bruising - never get tagged on the little finger:cry:
lol better get back on subject here got abit off there sorry

and i just got in trouble from someone now i feel like a bad widdle boy

i also have 1 crazy rockhampton downs woma that likes to wait till i get really close to the glass and launch at me from right at the back of her enclosure i tell ya even though i know she is gonna do it still scares the bajeebuzzz out of me
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