snake id help

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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2006
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Northern Adelaide
Hi all, I'm still here in the UK at the moment, loving life!!!! Staying with my cousin who says he saw a snake, but can't remember the name of it, hoping someone can help.
He says it was black with red markings along its entire length, no more than a metre long and was venomous. We've ruled out Coral snakes, and I'm at a loss as to what else it could be, not necessarily Aussie, and not very big. Howzat for a REALLY general question! All he can tell me are the details I gave you.
Hope at least one genius here can help and put me out of my misery, it's really bugging me!!!!! Thanks, in advance!
Hi all, I'm still here in the UK at the moment, loving life!!!! Staying with my cousin who says he saw a snake, but can't remember the name of it, hoping someone can help.
He says it was black with red markings along its entire length, no more than a metre long and was venomous. We've ruled out Coral snakes, and I'm at a loss as to what else it could be, not necessarily Aussie, and not very big. Howzat for a REALLY general question! All he can tell me are the details I gave you.
Hope at least one genius here can help and put me out of my misery, it's really bugging me!!!!! Thanks, in advance!

I dont get your Question did he see it in Australia Or somewhere else, Thanks Tim.
If it in the UK its an escape the 3 species that are native (Adder, Coronella and Natrix) do not have red and black bands.....It sound like an escaped Lampropeltis species

Hi, sorry, but all he can say is that he saw it on the tv, he can't remember which country, not necessarily Aus, I googled black snake with red markings into images and we went through the mug shots, but he couldn't see any that looked familiar.
He says its not a big snake, but insists that he did see one. Not even sure if he's got the story right, but I promised I'd exhaust all avenues, you guys are my last hope of finding anything.
Notechistiger, many htnaks for the suggestion, I'll put it to him and show him a pic. I dunno, these poms!!!!! LOL
PS Notechistiger, love the avatar, looks scared or ferocious, which is it? LOL
You sure he didnt see a juvie colletts dipsy ?
get on th elapid thread and show him the pics of the snakes there.... .got some hot looking baby colletts
it might be just the snake he is thinking of :)
Dipcdame said:
Notechistiger, many htnaks for the suggestion, I'll put it to him and show him a pic. I dunno, these poms!!!!! LOL
PS Notechistiger, love the avatar, looks scared or ferocious, which is it? LOL

Neither, actually. He was looking at a something outside the fence :D
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