I am amazed that if ever there is a so called colubrid on here and its not a gts or a bts everyone claims its a keelback ..then to say or a roughscale ..bloody hell you wouldnt want to get those two species messed up ...bites it is a hard ID due to picture quality ..if they are a colubrid it will have a loreal scale inbetween the eye and nasal ..sort of like a middle scale ... (only one colubrid in QLD hasnt got one and these arent that ) if you can get another picture off who ever these snakes belong to ,that would be good ,and to say release them how foolish are you RYAN? ..untill there is a 100% ID on them you cant just dump them where ever you want to geez ...if they are slatey's then the area is further north QLD ..where is this girl from bites? tell her not to dump them anywhere..better off handing them in to a rep place or zoo even and play the dumb act then dump a species she isnt sure about to an area she doesnt even know if they come from around there..