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Not so new Member
May 23, 2008
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Hi guys,

One of our carpet pythons has a mite infestation. We have been treating it with dilute iodine baths to kill the mites - on advice seen here from some members, and other websites. This ended up being an ineffective long term way of killing them, they kept coming back. So we went to a reptile store and purchased, on advice from one of the staff, a product called Fidos and Top of Descent.

We were told to bathe the snake in a solution of Fidos, which is an anti flea/mite treatment - said to be fine with reptiles, and clean his cage with the solution, then spray with TOD. When we put him in the Fidos solution we instantly noticed the mites dropping dead off of him. He looks to have had a bad infestation - its been going on for about 2 weeks. But he seemed very uncomfortable in the solution, constantly trying to get out and moving about irregularly. Other times that he had been bathed, once in the bath he was very comfortable and often held his head underwater for long periods of time.

When we decided he was ready to get out he started behaving very strangely. First he started repeatedly opening his mouth very widely, then made a hissing/gagging sound. Then he defecated a large amount of faeces into the bath. His body became very rigid and he seemed not to be grip to my hands when I picked him up - which he usually does. He seems disorientated and is moving very strangely, in comparison to his normal behaviour.

We have him in a click clack container (quarantined from the others) but he is still acting very strangely - its been roughly 15 minutes since he finished his bath. His body is rigid and arching and he is constantly pushing his face against the walls of the container, like he is trying to find a way out.

What I am worried is that, that product Fidos was in fact toxic for snakes (even though we were assured it was not, and that the salesman used it himself on his snakes) and he has ingested the solution and it has poisoned him.

I have heard that when a snake is bathed for mites, often when a large amount of mites all die and release their grip on the snake, they all release a venom, that can send the snake into a type of shock that can cause them to behave erratically - I am hoping this is the case.

Does anyone have any experience with this product Fidos? Is it safe or have we done the wrong thing and hurt our beloved pet. My partner and I are distraught to think that we may have caused him damage. We have never dealt with mites before, as we are first time snake owners, but we have been researching ways to combat them.

Any advice or suggestions...or a possibly reason for our snakes state, would be greatly appreciated.


Mike and Amy

Thought it would we worth mentioning also that in his faeces, there was a mucousy substance that came out at the end. Trapped in the mucous were a large amount of black dots that look like poppy seeds. This looked unusual, something I've never seen before in a snake's faeces.
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aww hun, im sorry i have never heard of fidos only TOD, i am sure someone will come a long soon to help.

I am confused tho... did you say he would hold his head under the water? did he do this with this fidos?
i am alo wondering (if fidos is toxic) if soaking him in normal/natural water will help dilute any treatment that is on his body. Just a thought.
Hey Sorry to hear but I cannot give any advise as to what is occuring at the moment or the product fidos but when usind the TOD make sure that you leave the water out for at least 12 hours after spraying and to completely get rid of the mites I believe you should repeat once a week for 4 weeks. Had snakes 12 years and only just had my first case of Mites the other week, they are a pain.
sorry but I always thought with mite treatment you werent suppose to let them get it near their head .........
can i ask how did your snake yolbit and you also justdriftnby catch mites,
some people dont really know but if you have some idea would be great if you could share?
thanks :)
I would personally get it off to a vet straight away!!!

It sounds like he is infected badly and will need a feacal smear done to work out what is wrong with it!!

Check any other reptiles you have very carefully as well as if they are infected, you are gonna be in for a rough day tomorrow!!!

As for fidos, i unfortunately have never heard of it being used on reptiles before. I could be wrong but you still need to be careful with the dilution of certain substances if you havent used it before. Try it on you own skin first and see if it stings or reacts with you skin before trying it on any animals if you have never used it before. If you react then there is a big chance that your animals will react as well.

Good luck with everything!!!!
I cant be sure how I ended up with Mites, I keep them locked away and rarely get them out when others are around I also try not to handle others collestions too, All I do know is that I have a jungle python for sale Housed seperately in a different room) and a young kid looked at it, he has already got 1 snake so maybe thats where they got introduced, I remove the snake from the enclosure get rid of everything, wash the enclosure out with F10 spray with the TOD and return the snake straight away, return the water the following day.
Go to ur the pet shop and ask them for a can of tod top.of.decent and take ur snake out of his cage put him in a clik clak and spray him not to much just a make it misty clean his cage right out and spray it if u want to put any of the things back in there put them in a clik clak and spray them exsept the water bowl take it right away.:)
can i ask how did your snake yolbit and you also justdriftnby catch mites,
some people dont really know but if you have some idea would be great if you could share?
thanks :)

We recently bought him off someone else. He may have had mites then. We only recently noticed them though. Other than that how do you know where they come from?

They are practically microscopic and very hard to see if you're not looking for them, unti they fill up on blood and look like tiny deep red dots.

Thanks for the replies guys, we'll be taking him to a vet as soon as we can.
Take him to the vet, now. It sounds like a serious problem. Any kind of chemical can cause serious problems in animals, that's why you need to read the instructions to the dot, and be responsible about it. Also, pet stores are notorious for not knowing about reptiles and their needs (the best example was when a pet store recommended someone feed their python crickets). Please don't take any kind of advice from them.
With the twisting etc, its highly possible he has swallowed some of the product you bathed him in.
Im sure you will get it to a vet as soon as you can, hopefully all goes well and he is ok.

As far as soaking a snake with mites goes, it seems the general consensus is to bathe the snake in a warm bath of soapy water, apparently the soap makes the water wetter if that makes sense.

Also, you need to treat the areas around the enclosure/click clack as well as inside it (carpets, curtains etc)
It needs to be repeated for several weeks to stop re-infestation.
Throw away anything in the click clack you cant soak in hot soapy water and keep the enclosure sterile
Until treatment has finished, keep it on paper towel with a hide and a water bowl, so you can see if any more mites appear and begin treatment again

Either way, its best not to use chemicals where you dont need to.
Id rather have a snake ingest a bit of soapy water than a chemical.

There has been a tons of threads on here about mites, if you use the search drop down menu and type in 'mites' 'snake has mites' 'mite treatment' etc you will find heaps of helpful threads. :)
These symptoms would be a fairly positive indication of poisoning.
You need to get to a vet with extensive experience with reptiles, and take the fidos with you. (although in reality, if it is poisoning, there may not be much they can do)

I really hope the poor lil one can ride it out., and wish you both the best.of luck..
Keep us posted.
Get him to the vet.
There is no way I would be soaking any snake in any solution.
I had a very bad experience years ago with orange medic. Was told to use it but they failed to tell me to make sure it is not the one with tea tree oil.
We use TOD only....take out waterbowls and any food. (lizards).
You only give short squirt and just fog..not spray the reptile at all.
TOD only is enough to get rid of any mite problem, only use when you have a problem though.
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despite the fact that this is not your greatest concern at this point in time, i would go to the petstore that recommended this.

probably a bit rash, but i would want them to pay my veterinary costs. their staff are posing as experts and handing out advice! that it appears is wrong! and may have indeed injured or killed an animal.

some pet store employees dont seem to realise their responsibilities to their customers and pets. i have a running fued with pet-store staff who will tell you anything to sell a product or appear helpful. (no offence, there are extremely experienced helpful people out there)

i hope you snake comes out okay. the only advice i can give is a clean water bath, and hydration. dilute and flush out the toxin as much as possible.
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