snake mites?HELP?

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Not so new Member
Mar 10, 2007
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Bris vagas
on inspection of my snake just now i realised two red dots on my snake looked like little pin pricks of blood which is what i thought it was. i got him out wiped it with my finger and it started moving on my finger. squished them and a fair amount of blood came out of them. after i put him back in hes enclosure i inspected hes water there were a couple in there too. ive done a little bit of research apprently snakes try to drown them. how can i get rid of this problem? and prevent it in the future?
any help is appreciated
drown the mites I say

Snake Mites are EASILY killed by drowning so...
Put the snake into a water bath (in a click-clack" or equivalent so the animal can submerge.
Make sure the water is about 29 degrees or thereabouts, and keep it at that temp with a heat mat and a thermostat. Whilst the animal is soaking for at least 2 or 3 hours, (or as long as necessary) you can treat the cage.
Then take the enclosure outside and spray it with surface spray (a permethrin spray will do).
Soak in a MILD bleach solution or dispose of ALL cage furnishings.
Scrub the inside and outside and all "nooks and cranneys" with the mild bleach or permethrin solution. Permethrin spray the floor, bench and surroundings in the reptile room, and repeat for all herps in same room as the mites probable have spread.
Good Luck!
Top of Descent is effective against mite, however, it is a "knock-down" insecticide only killing the mites it comes in contact with. Many mites are concealed under scales and around the eyes. Also, snake mites are mainly nocturnal so spraying in the day is almost useless. A warm water bath serves a couple of purposes. It drowns all mites if soaked long enough, and helps alleviate the discomfort the snake is in, and also serve to rehydrate the animal if required.
thanks for that ill give it a shot
my snake it really due for a shed i reckon it will happen today
should i wait until he is done?
in wiki.....

Ticks and mites also can harm your pythons and would show up between their scales. A regular check of your python should find most ticks and mites. Ticks and mite’s can be easily treated using “Top Of Descent” (TOD)
This is from the TOD web site
Directions For Use
-Remove water bowl/tub from the enclosure before spray, clean it and leave it out for 24 hours
-Remove the reptile from the enclosure
-Spray the interior of the enclosure to form enough fume in the enclosure
-Suggest spray 2-3 seconds for a standard 2 x 3 foot size enclosure
-Leave the enclosure closed for 10-15 minutes, and then return the reptile
-After 24 hours, return the water bowl/tub to the enclosure
-After another 48 hours, clean out enclosure and destroy any substrate (it helps remove mite eggs)
-Spray the enclosure surrounding area as well
-Do not rinse the enclosure and the reptile after spray
-Re-spray the enclosure about seven days later after first application, a third application might be necessary depending on the infestation
Other Tips
-After treating the reptile and the enclosure, spray a line around the enclosure to create a barrier
-Frequently (every day or two) spray around the enclosure to keep the barrier working during treatment
-Suggest use paper as bedding during treatment so that changing bedding is easier
cheers for the advice. got some TOD on the way got him soaking as we speak hes not to impressed haha

Top of descent is good but you need to keep water bowl out of the tank for a few hours after using. Go to your local vet or reptile supplier and buy some F10 discinfectant, you dilute it in a spray bottle with water. This stuff is great, it kills everything! Use it every time you clean your tank and on water bowls etc.... just let it soak in for a few minutes and then rinse.
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