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I'm the first to admit I am far from an expert but you need a permit to move a snake across states to NSW. I would also want to know what size the snake is and what sized housing it is already used to. I started my blackheaded pythons in smaller tubs but due to their sized moved them not much later into a 4 foot fish tank then much later into a six foot fish tank.
i think if its ur first snake should be somthing smaller or less dangerous BUT if ur a noob on snakes and handled them before i think red belied cause there my favrite snake:D

Red Bellied Black Snake? You can't even own one until you've had a class 1 license for two years and even if that wasn't the case I don't think an venomous snake would be a great 1st snake :/

Unless you mean red bredli in which case I agree, they are a great 1st snake so long as you don't mind owning (what will grow into) a large snake
Can I get an answer to that question?
iv nailed it down to a jag jungle that in QLD only 7 months old.
the myth is they don't like getting handled bit that's fine with me as I work really long days and stuff.
So can anyone help me out with setting up. I'm getting a 45 liter tub from bunnings. A heat mat on one side. Water dish. A snake hide or something like a stable tree for it to hang in. What are your opinions?? And what do you think about jungle jags
Firstly on jags they are sometimes susceptible to neurological problems especially if stressed so it may not be the ideal snake to handle much or for someone that is learning how to look after a snake, also jungles in general have a reputation to sometimes be a bit snappy. I have not owned one so this is just a generalisation from things that I have read on here and you need to make up your own mind about them keeping in mind that you will have to handle your snake to clean the enclosure or if you ever need to take it to the vets. Secondly I think that a 45 litre tub seems a bit bit for a young snake but provided that you provide the right temperature with a gradient and plenty of hides it should be fine in there. Also have you thought about substrate at all and make sure you have plenty of holes in your tub.
I'm the first to admit I am far from an expert but you need a permit to move a snake across states to NSW. I would also want to know what size the snake is and what sized housing it is already used to. I started my blackheaded pythons in smaller tubs but due to their sized moved them not much later into a 4 foot fish tank then much later into a six foot fish tank.


As he's already 7 months old he may have already been moved to his "forever home" in which case your best bet is to ask the seller what he's housed in before buying a setup, but yeah if you're in NSW you'll need a permit, probably easier to buy in you current state :)

And your setup mentioned above sounds great, just ensure you get a thermostat as well so you can maintain optimum temps, keeping in mind you'll need a cool and a warm end :) goodluck and welcome
If you put a small snake into a tub, make sure the airholes you put in it (better with a small soldering iron rather than drilling) are too small for the snake to get its snout into them, or damage to the face can occur from repeated attempts to escape by pushing against them. Can lead to permanent scarring, although a 7 month old snake may be a bit big for this problem to occur.

You could also join The Society Of Frogs And Reptiles, a Newcastle based club where you can interact with other people in the hobby on a face to face level. Thier website is SOFAR and they meet once a month. I'm not sure if posting the link is a breach of APS rules but if so could the admin delete it please rather than issuing an infraction.
When I bought my Albino I was expecting him to be nippy, but he wasn't it really depends what breeder you get your snake off. The guy I bought mine off, he must of handled them daily cause his hatchies were really placid and they were only 3 months old.

For future reference albino darwins in general are very placid from day one,handling or not.You might get 1 in 50 or so that are nippy but they are the exception.
Thanks guys. I'm definatly decided on the jag and will hopefully have next week or two. I just Need to get everything set up for the little guy. I have a question for the tub. Will the thermostat melt the plastic tub? And the tub will be sitting on a wooden dresser thing... So should the thermostat be in the tub with something over it or under the tub? Very excited to get the snake! Can't wait
My opinion on Naomi's opinions

Feeding in the enclosure (if you do not have the space)
Feeding in a feeding tub (preferred)

Only using newspaper (easiest to clean if breeding)
I was using red sand recently changed to aspin(pet store)

Feeding schedules
Was told by breeder to feed a pinkie every three days.(depends on what size the snake is and what time if the year. Winter snakes will go off food for a while so do not be surprised)
Didn't agree so instead a fuzzy every 7 days(if changing dramatically may stress)

Not using glass enclosures
I think there is no problem if you can get the heat and temp stable(also depending in what bread of snake)

Being over the top with sterilization
(Ask how often people with same snake clean their enclosure )

And there is no point going for a snake you don't like(that's a given) a do not look for the cheapest and what I mean by that(I no everyone's budget is different) if you see lots of the same snake going for $200 then see one for $50 there may be a problem that person might try catch you out with something (google herpetology in your area and find a club) the club scene Will provide a wealth on knowledge, new friends and opportunity to buy
Good luck
Thanks guys. I first had a tub setup bit had issues with heating. I got a dencent size reptile enclosure for him with heating fitted. And some people have said I need a light? But iv also been told I do not?? So do I not need a light? Caus I'm probly not gonna get one.
Thanks guys. I first had a tub setup bit had issues with heating. I got a dencent size reptile enclosure for him with heating fitted. And some people have said I need a light? But iv also been told I do not?? So do I not need a light? Caus I'm probly not gonna get one.
The reason that a light would be good are 1) so you can see your snake 2) to give your snake a night and day cycles if there is not a lot of natural light.
I Got this little fish tank looking thing. It's about 30 cm long and same high. Is that good enough? Has hiding things and the pebbles or whatever. I dunno if it's big enough for him or how am I gonna go about cleaning with it?
So after ages of deciding, waiting and advice from you guys. I finally decided on a baby jungle jag. Got him tonight! He looks amazing and I'm so happy. Lil scared when I got him home tho and he struck me and when put in enclosure he was doing back***** and what not and freaking out. I hope it's just from a cold trip and his stressed from new place. Ill put a pic up soon :) any tips will be appreciated.
Ok so I have a question. My tank is 30x30 got sticks that he loves but he won't go near the heat mat corner yet. I'm thinking a uv light up the other side where he climbs on sticks and above his hide? Water is up with the heat. Please some feedback?!!
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